The American Republic Test Flashcards
Who was the leader of the Green Mountian Boys
Ethan Allan
Wht was the name for the american troops
continental army
The meeting of the ____ continental congress convened in philadelphia in 1775 to send the lovive banch petiiton to the king and to prepare for war
What clearly demonstrated that the colonies wanted to restore a friendly realtonship with britian befor an all out war developed
Olive branch petition
What was the nae of soldiers that were for hire
Who won the battle of bunker hill
the British
What general assisted genral gage in the battle of bunker hill
william howe
Ethan allen and benedict arnold joined froces to capture what
Fort ticonderoga
At the battle of bunker hill did the partroits take possessioon of bunker hill
At the battle of bunker hill did the battle take place near new youk city
At the battle of bunker hill did thousands of bristish soldiers assault the partroito positions
At the battle of bunker hill did the patriots run out of ammunition
Did the americans expect the canadians to join in the fffort for independecne
the patriots freed boston from british control with what
The patriots invasion of canada to capture quebec resulted in what
Britsh surrender of the st lawrence valley
Following the declaration of independence did the overwhilming majority of americans support indpependence
What was another name for loyalists
Who made up those who wanted independecnce
Who wrote common sense one of the most influential political tracts in history
thomas paine
What was the pamplet called that tried to convince colonists that america should separate from britian
common sense
Who was the primary author of the declaration of independence
thomas jerfferson
the declaration of independence was approved b the continetnal congress on july4 of what year
what partiot school teacher lost his life in an attempt to profivde washington with information about britsh activities in New York
Nathan Hale
After crossing the dealware river on christmas night of 1776 in what city did george washington’s troops surprise the hessians
did the victories at trenton and princetion give new hope to the americans cause
Who was the british officer who lost at sartoga
general burgoyne
What partoit victory won official french support for the patriot cause and forced the britsh to move thier focus to winning the south
the battle of saratoga
Who trained the colonial army while it was quatered for the winter
baron von steuben
Where did george washingtions’s troops spend thir most uncomfortable winter
valley froge
did the colonial army have plenty of upplies and finacial support that it needed
What was the name of the armed merchant ships
ho was the partiot army quartermaster who replaced gerneral gates as leader in the south
nathanael greene
Who gained his greatest fame by defeatinng the british serapis
john paul jones
Who captued frontier outposts to give american claim to western rigions
george rogers clark
Southern frontismen angered by britsh demands to lay down thir arms gout back and won at the battle of where
Kings Mountain
Did the hessians side with the british during the war
did the loyalists side with the british during the war
Did the over mountain men side with the british during the war
Did the tories side with the british during the war
Who was the french volunteer that fought with the americans at youktown
marquis de lafayette
Who waged a long battle at yrk town before surrender
as a reult of winnign the war did the united states receive the land between the appalachian s and the mississippi
The war for independence officially ended with the signing of what
treaty of paris
What year did the war for endepeencence officially end
Who was the british officer who surrendered to washingtion at yorktown
Who were the negotiators for the treaty that ended the war
benjamin franklin john jay and john adames