History Flashcards
all of the following were reasons for people moving to the West during the early 1800s except the hope of gaining new riches or teh desire to work in fafctories
desire to ork in factories
trappers and traders were usually the first white men to arrive in a western area
which o fthse names goes with mountain ment brigham young franklin pierce or jedediah smith
jedediah smith
which of the following was a missionary in the west joe meeek james bidge or marcus whiteman
marcus whiteman
The americans who moved to Texas while it was under mexican control quickly adapted to the new culutrue and belended in with the spanish population
mexican president _____ ____ opposed Texas independence
Santa Anna
sam houston and his army rembembereed this place which stirred them to victoy
Opponents of slavery protested the admittance of texas into the union because they feared texas would be divided into several slave states
john tyler won the election of 1844 by promising all of oregon all of texas
the resulted in the capute of santa anna
the battle of san jacinto
Which of the following descrubes texas immeditallyy before it was annexed by the united states an independent country a par o fthe mexican cession or a territory belongigin to mexico
Independent country
methodist mssionaries were the firs marercans to seek permanent homes in oregon
this rouete was discovered by jedediah smith and was the most important trail to the west
oregon trail
who was te president most closely assocaited ith Manifest Destiny
james k polk
the united states and _____ _____ both claimed oregon territoy before 1846
great britain
the united states gained control of oregon all the way to the 54 40 line of latitude
because of their controversial religious beliefs the mormons had difficulty finding an area to settl
which of thse was a mormon franklin perice or brigham young
brigham young
the _____ founded salt lake city in utah
the spanish set up missions along the coast of california before the area fell into american hands
who was part of the californa gold rush john charles fremont or james W marshal
james w marshal
the building of the sutters’s for was most closely realtaed to what the settling of mormon territory or start of the califoria gold rush
gold rush
who was part of teh bear flag revolution franklin peirece or john charles fremont
john charles frmont
at the time of the outbreka of the mexican war the rio ______ was what the americans believed to be the boder between texas and miexico
the territoy of ______ came into american hands throught the bear flag revolution
this war was carried out by old rough and ready and old fuss and feathere s
Mexican War
which one of the following events occurred last the falll of the almao or zachary tyalor became the hero of bueina vista
zachary taylor hero of buena vista
the treaty of _________ ______ ended the mexican war
guadalupe hidalgo
in a sense the mexican war served as a training gound fo rthe civil war that wwas to come
american gneral ____ ___ was elevated presdiddent in 1848 after gaining great popularity and success during the mexican War
zachary taylor
what was the area mecico gave up tat teh end of the mexican war
mexican cession
this completed the acquition of territory for the contientla untied states
gadsen purchase
the wilmot proviso would have banned slavery in missouri maine or banned slavery n any territory taken form mexico
banned slavery in any territory taken from mexico
stephen douglas helped to gain the passage of the compromise of 1850
northern deomcrats who were willing to compromise on the politcal problems of the 1850s were called
________ _______ succeeded to the presidency when zachary taylor died while in office
millard fillmore
the principle of _______ _______ said that people in the territiries should decide whether they wished to allow slavery or not
popular sovereignty
which of these names goes with doughfaces james w marshal jedediah smit or franlkin peirce
franklin pierce