Science test Flashcards
if a scuba diver ascends to the surface too quckly afer a deep dive oxygen bubbls can form in his blood cause the bends
the remanians of he odes known boat were found on the desert in kuwait
the bible teaches that no one explored oceans before the Flood
early cartographers often used pcitures of sea monster to hid the fact that they did not know what wa in certain parts o fhte ocean
which of these inventions idthe most to make ocean navigation more accurate lead lines the nasne bottle seagoing clocks the secchi disk
seagoing clocks
only Europeans did any singifcant occean exploration proior to 1800
accoridn to the text what was a signficant movitvator fo rthe age of exploration
the thrill of discorery and vision of getting rich
who was the first to circumnavigate the world
ferdinand magellan
the challenger expedition covred three oceans and lasted foru years
the first ture oceanraphic expedition a model for future studies was conductied by which vessel
HMS Challendger
who was insiperd by the Psamlsm to make accurate wind adn current charts earning hims himsledl th enickname pathfinder of the seas
matthew fantane maruey
locations of ocean current would more effectivly be studied through larege area smaplig
a sounding will reveal the water’s what
what measures ocean depth through echolocation
what replaced the sued of lead lines to determine water depth
sounding or
what collects water smaples a t various depths
nansen bottles
what measues surface water clarry
secchi disk
photocells are more accurate and more widlely used than secchi disks today
what collects pelagic organismsl
plankton net
what collects benthich organsims
grab sampler
a bottom profiler is used to scrape sediemtns adn pecimens from the sea floor and bring them to the surface
what collects layers of sediment fro the ocean floor
sediment corer
sonar mimics a technique used by proposes and bats
sonar did little to improve man’s understanding of the ocean baisn
what collects and transmits a varity of weaterh and sea data
today wide area date collection of ocean conditions is performed by what two things
buoys and satellite
the greaest challenge to working underwtaters is having air to breathe
what is the ggreatst challendge to helmt diving
easy to drown
what was the earliest know enclosures used to explore underwater called
driving bells
what is the personal underwater breating system developed in 1943 and used widly todayc called
puto these in order mixed gas diving, suba ding bell diring helmet
diving bell, diving helmet , scuba, mixed gas diving
mixed gas diving is typically used for what
Deep Dving
what was consturcte william beebe and otsi barton
what was an ealy type of deep sea submersible
which of these was the first vesssel to dwscent into chllenger deep the deepest point know in teh oceans bathyscaphe bathyspher or treist
the united states and france are the only nations to have built and launched deep submergence vehiclles
in what ways does a nROV differ from a DsV rovs are guide by computter prgrams rovs are usuall larger than dsvs rovs are teheted to and controlled by another vessle
rovs are thetherd to and ontrolled by anotehr vessel
which of these tpes of vessels is not an unamenned undersea vehicle (UUV) AUV DSV ROV
which of tthese types of vessels i best suited for complicated repair work at at single location AUV DSV HMS ROV