Science test Flashcards
what would most accurately show the true shape of a continent
A globe
One of the earliest maps in existence dates from the time of what
Ancient Babylonia
What are maps that are used by sailors to navigate at sea called
According to this type of Creationists, God used the big bang to create the earth and the universe billions of years ago and has created life at a number of points since then
This on a map is often expressed as the ratio of two numbers that indicate the relative size and detail of the features shown on the map
Map scale
What is the name of a person who creates maps
In comparison to a map of the United States, a map showing just the sreets in your neighborhood would be a ______ scale map.
If you are standing at a point that has zero degrees latitude, your are standing on what
What indicated to many educated people before the time of Christ that the earth was actually a sphere
A lunar eclipse
What are lines of latitude called
The referene latitude line is the _________
What is the highest possible number for a longitude reading
The prime meridian at greenwich is a 0 degrees what
East and West
What are the precise latitude and longitude values of your location called
geographic coordinates
The internationa date line passes through what
The western Pacific Ocean
What measures of latitude or longitude is about 60 nautical miles on the earth’s surface at the Equator
One degree
What were the first defined subdivisions of degrees, and later were borrowed to use as units of time
Minutes and seconds
Sailors were unable to easily and accurately determine longitude until the invention of these
What gives you the most accurate geopgraphic coordinates
GPS receiver
What direction does the arrow on many maps point
What part of a map defines all the symbols and colors on the map
Map legend
The _______ statement on a map can help determine its accuracy
What is the boxed area where all of the symbols and colors used on the map are defined
Map legend
Does distortion exist somewhere on every map that shows the entire world
What map projection would have its point of contact in the center of North America
Unlike a shpere a _____ or a ____ can be easily flattened into a plane
Cone, cylinder
Catographers use map projections to transfer points from a sphere the earth to what
A surface that is flat, AKA a plane
Which projection do maps of the polar regions often use which touches the globe at the poles
What type of map was specifically created for textbook world maps
The Robinson world map
A state map that you might use to find your way around while on vacation is a standard map that contains both ________ and ________ information
Political and Geographic
If you are in charge of creating the route for a new hiking trail through a mountainous region, you would start by using this kind of map
What are the lines on a map that connect points on equal elevation
Contour lines
What type of map would be shaded to show the ranges of the gray wolf and red golf
Thematic map
In the GIS map data for a city, railroad tracks would most likely be displayed using which data type
Line data type
What does GIS stand for
Geographic information system
What are the ways that data is gathered for use in a GIS
A surveying, radar, sonair
Who would find benchmarks the most helpful in performing his job
What is the fastest means for collecting geographic data over large areas
Acoustic sensing would be most valuable in mapping what
The ocean floor