Science test Flashcards
what type of fossils are the overwhelming majority of fossils
marine organisms
a fossilzed track or burrow made by an animal would be called a trace fossil
one possible reaons for the variety of speacies in the la brea tar pits is that once animals died there scavengers came were trapped and died there as well
fossils can be found only in sedimentary rocks
what process forms petrified wood
which of these is a porpoise lik emarine reptile archaeoteryx ichthyosaurus
which of thse if fossilzed would be considered microfossils animal droppings pine needls plant spores
plant spores
decay can prevent a dead orgaims form bieing fossilzed
the classification system used for fossils is the sma eon e used for living oragnaims today
is a mineraliazed form of tree sap and may contain invertebartes ad evn some small vertebrates
fossils that seem to appear reliably in the proper geologic sequence and that are used by secular geologists to determine the age of rock starat are called what
index fossils
what remarkable discovery came form the examination of a thigh bone of a 68 million year old t rex fossil in 2005
soft tissues
what is the name of the study of fossils
fossils often appear out of order in the geolgic column
the origin of species was authored in 1859 by who
chalres darwin
who develped the styem used today to classify organims
carolus linnaeus
old earth geologists assign rocks in lower level scoantin simple fossil _____ ages than those ones coanting complex fossils
what is the name of an extint fossil fish that was found to still be alive
a coelacanth
fossils showing organims that are in the process of evolving form one form to another are known as what
transitional forms
what is said to be the link between reptiles and birds
if archaeopteryx were found alive today it would most likely be calssified as a what
when the population of a species begins to shrink due to having more deaths than births in a generation it is possibly headed toaward what
evolutinary scientsis have identified two major extinctio events in teh las 500 million years by studying the geologic column
which of thse is asquid like naimal with coilded chambered shell ammonite ichthyosaus
those who take the bible at ists word and blieve in a arecent creatio would assume that humans and dions must have bee on the aearth at the same time
what was the possible identity of jobs behemoth
all of ht efollowin statements would be accceptable to a youn earth paleontolgists except which one fossils found in the sam elayer cam from orgaisms from the sma habiat or volcaniceruptions probably accompaneid the folood and realease ash
fossisl found in the same layer cam from orgaims fom the sam habitat
what is the name of small extinct marine invertebrates
a fossil is defined as any reamins or trace of a formely living thing preserved by natural processes
when was the earlies t heitocial record of the usee of any fossil fuel
1,000 BC
fossil fuels do not include what coal hydrothermal fluies petroleum
hydrothermal fluieds
which type of coal has the most envergy
it is possible for undergound coal seams to buen ot of contaroll for years
the hardes and cleasnest burning coal is _______
nautal gas is almost always foudn along with _____
cude oil
petrolum is ma up of hydrocarbons wihcih contain some combintaiton of ntirogen and carbon
methan ehtan andp propane are fifferent forms of what
nautral gas
nealy half of elcetical power plants in the untied states use what typye of fuel
which of thse is obatined by drillin g coal or oil
which of thse shows the most likely order of devleopment of thse materails peat to lignite to bituminous coal or peat to bituminous coal to lignite
peat to lignite to bituminous coal
products that conatin colal includ epaints perumes rubber and plactic
what is aiogicn oil
nautrally produced petroleum that does not come from organic sources
carbon doxiede a product of the combustion of fossisl fuels has been linked to glowbal warming and s as a relut has been called a _____________ gas
green house