Science test Flashcards
Who was the governor who wanted his colony to be a “ city on upon a hill”
John Winthrop
Who was the man who was determinded to build a colony that practiced separation of church and state
Roger Williams
Who was an English general who wanted to help debtors
James Oglethorpe
Who was a Friend who accepted a colony as a payment of a debt
William Penn
What state was heavily populated during the Great Migration
Massachusetts Bay Colony
What state passed an Act of Toleration guaranteeing religious freedom
What state had Savannah as its first settlement
What type of freedom was the primary motive for the colonial settlement of New England
what is another name for the Society of Friends
What kind of colony is directly supervised by a king
Royal colonies
What year did the Pilgrims reach America
What kind of people were the Pilgrims
What is generally regarded as the first written constitution drawn up in America
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Who were the people who received large grants of land in the Dutch colony
What were the important cash cops to the Caarolina colonies
Tobacco, Rice, and Indigo
What colonial city became the leading center of government and culture among the southern colonies
What state was first settled by the Swedes
Which of the colonies had orignal settlements by the Dutch and the Swedes
Middle colonies
Which of the colonies was founded for Roman Cathoics
Southern Colonies
Which of the colonies were mostly orignally charter colonies
New England Colonies
What was the Dutch colony called New York originally called
New Netherland
What type of colonies used joint-stock companies which contributed to their success
Charter colonies
What colony was a charter colony, required everyone to attend church, and was settled by Puritans
Mass Bay Colony
What colony did William Bradford, Squanto, Miles Standish all contribute to the success from the Indians
What man founded the city of Providence, disagreed with the Puritan leaders, and bought land from the Indians
Roger Williams
What colony had its claim secured by Henry Hudson, was settled by patroons, and was governed by Peter Minuit
New Netherlands
What colony was settled by people from Massachusetts Bay who wanted more land
Which Lord Baltimore established a colony for Roan Catholics
George calvert
What type of colonies were given to individuals or groups
Proprietary colonies
What kind of companies provided a means for raising money to support a new colony
Joint-stock companies
Unlike Rhode Island, this colony DID NOT arise out of controversy
What colony was founded by Swedes
New Sweden
What group did not land in the area where the had obtained permission to settle
What was the economic system of Europe during the 1600s and 1700s
In what state did Roman Cathoics and Protestants settle
Who governed New Netherland
Peter Minuit
Who received the land of the former Dutch colony of New Netherland from the king of England
James the Duke of York
What religion was William Penn
What religious group were the Pilgrims