Science test Flashcards
what usually has the greatest infulurnce in causing tides
the moon
what is the alternating rise and all of local sea level
the moon’s gravity causes the oceans to rise on the far side of teh earth
how many tides do most coasts experiene in a typial 24 hour peroiod
2 highs 2 lows
the very high tides that occur twice a month are cuased by what
sun moon earth straight line
wwice each month lower than usaully tides called _____ occur
neap tide
what is a lower than usual tide that occurs twice a month
neap tide
what is a higher than usual tide that ocurrs twocie a month
spring tide
power plants designed to harness the power of tidal changes are relatively fw in number
ocean currents driven by global winds are mainly dubsurface curretns
currents are affected by the roatioinn of the earth
what is a circular flow of currents with an ocean basin called
if you wanted to sail around the globe but wanted to remain south of africa and south america what curent could you use to speed up your trip
antartic circumpolar current
the major warm current located in the west atlanitic ocean is that what
gulf stream
which of these combines the effects of the coriolis effect current speed and water depth to produce the direction of a current coastal downwilling ocsiation denity currrents or ekman spiral
ekman spiral
the great pacific garbage path is the resutl of mans carlesssness and a strong ocenaic
cold ocean currents along a cost can dry the air so much tthat a desert forms
upwelling has wbeen observed only near teh equator due to its lowr than average sea level
in the center of an ocean gryere the sea lvel is usually _____ than ouside the gyre
upwilling is ofen assocaited with very productive fisheries
what is cod water rising to the surface called
water that is froced down by downwellling typically has __________ oxygen but ______ nutrients
more ; less
which of these would have the least effect on subsurface currents downwelling gravity or prevaling winds
prevaling winds
A ________ current is a type of density current that carries a great mount of sediment and like an underwater mudslde
which of these is not a term that would appy to thermohaline currents density curretns subsurfaccurrents countercurrents
counter currents
what is the lowest part of the wave called
wae height is the vertical distance between the crest and the wave base
which of theese is deined as the deepest depth below teh ocena’s surface taht is affected by the ewaves passage wave base height or period
wave base
the ______ of a series of waves is te hroizontal distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next wave
which of these is most drie clty related to wave speed wave ampltude angle base or period
wave period
the distace that wind blows over the waters surface in one driection is the _______ f a wave caused aby the wind
tsunamis are called tidal waves becauese they are caused by lunar tides
an unstable wave whose crest is falling forward
what is a curent that rsulsts from waves breakinga t an angle to the shore
longshore current
groins are sometiems consturced along coasltiens to reduce beach erosion
a _______ is a column of rock that has been ut off from the mainland by erosion
what isa spit with a sharp bend
what is a wave deposit that connects to an island or a stack with the mianlan called