Science Test Flashcards
According to young earth geologists, what is the origin of the earth
the earth has always existed or it was supernatually created out of nothing
Do any creationary scientis believe that there was a single ice age sometime after the flood
The _____ hypotheis has been developed by secular scientists to descrive how our solar syste came into existence
The nebular hypothesis is held by ___ earth geologists
The _____ hypothesis has been developed by secular scientis to describe how our solar system came into existence
According to most secular scientists, the earth’s early atmosphere did not contain oxygen
The existence of the planet _____ raises major questions about the validity of the commonly accepted model for the origin of the solar system
What means year of the earth
anno mundi
What means from nothing
What means year of the Lord
Anno domini
The order of events in the genesis creation account is _____ the order in which secular scientists believe things have evolved
Different from
What are giant mvoing sections of the earth’s crust called
tectionic plates
Do we know for certian that it took the atlanitc ocean about 180 million years to form based on the present day motion of tectionic plates
What was the theoretical supercontinet called
During the proposed ice ages, did large amounts of snow temporanily bild up on the land and compact which fromed deep contintal glaciers
Geologically the term stratum referst to what
multiple layers of rocks
Scientists who study layers of rocks and their relationships are working in a field called what
Do many scientist believe that the large moving plates of the earth’s crust are supported by geologic columns
Do many scientist believe that the large moving plates of the earth’s crust are supported by geologic columns
Geologist determine the relative date of a rock layer by applying th eprinciple of what
Geologist estimate and absolute age for a rock by using what
radiometric dating
Which of these has been used to hypotesize which continetns were a t one time joined
________ ______ has given ancient ages for rocks that are known to have been formed by volcanoes just af ew years before
Radometric dating
What are some examples of rado metric dating methods
the uranium lead mehtod potassium argon mehtod carbon 14 method
_______ ______ is a logical error committed by scientists who use rocks to date fossils dated by the same rocks
circular reasoning
What was the most singificant physical even in the earth’s history other than creation
the Flood
how did the biblical flood affect the wold and the people
dividing line between originally crated earth beginning of all recorded hujman history outside the Bible Decreased legnth of human life
How long did noah and his family spend inside the Ark
about a year
a creationary scientis explanation for what caused the extinction of the wooly mammoths
most of the mammoths died from exposure to the artic cold. and a lack of food and rising seas and dust storms
what is the natual biological process that produced the many species of animals and plants today from the relatively few kinds on the Arl
What is molten rock that flows from the earth called
the ______ ____ of a diluvial geologic column would be the cretion event
very bottom
In which level of a dilviial geologic column would you expecgt to find the greatest number and variety of fossils
the flood event
what are the five layers of the diluvial gologic coulumn
the creation event. the lost world era. the flood event the new world era Recent sediments
what is the study of the earths bedrock earthquakes volcanoes and mountians and the froces that fromed them called
Is the geosyncline theory popular with geologists today becuase it clearly explains how mountis are formed
Alfred wedener was a german meterologist and geophysicist who proposed what
the continental dispalacement theory
does dea floor spreading occur at mid ocean redges
If you were a goelogist interested in studying the eart’s most recently formed crust where would you go
the fift at a mid ocean rdge
Sea floor spreading is thought to be dreiven by the movement of what
What is molten rock under the earth’s crust called
Can tectonic plates be classified as continttal or oceanic
What occurs when one tictionic plate slides beneath another, often forming a trench
Is subduction a paarticualr type of radiometric dating
Most secular and young earth geologist accept the plate tectonics theory but htye usuallly disagree on what
When it happened
Is runaway subduction a fearture of John baumgardener’s catastrophic plate toctonics theory