Wk5- CNS- The Brain & Spinal Cord Flashcards
What are the 6 sections of the brain ?
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Diencephalon (Thalamus ,Hypothalamus)
- Mesencephalon
- Pons
- Medulla Oblongata
The Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain
- What are the 2 Hemispheres divided into?
- Is heavily f-?
- The Cerebral cortex is g- matter covering w-?matter
- Left and right
- Folded
- Grey matter , white matter
The Cerebellum is the 2nd largest part of the brain
- Like the C- it is also divided into Left and Right Hemispheres
- A grey matter c- covers white matter
- The Cerebellum is responsible for coordination, m- , equilibrium and b-?
- Cerebrum
- Cortex
- Movement and balance
The Diencephalon is made up of the Thalamus and hypothalamus.
The Thalamus :
1. The thalamus is divided into l- and r- lobes.
2. Process and relays information for c- c- interpretation
3. Houses a small gland that is also part of the endocrine system
- Left and right
- Cerebral cortex
- Pituitary gland
The Diencephalon : The Hypothalamus is responsible for primitive survival reactions and regulates 1. The - Nervous System 2. S- /w- cycle 3. T- / h- drives 4. Body t- 5. R- 6. Blood c-
- Autonomic
- Sleep / wake cycle
- Thirst / hunger drives
- Body temperature
- Reproduction
- Blood composition
The Misencephalon / mid brain Contains cerebral peduncles that carry nerve fibres from the cerebrum to the spinal cord, medulla and pons 1. Contains v- and h- reflex systems 2. V- tracking / s- 3. S- reflexes
- Vision and hearing reflex systems
- Visual tracking / scanning
- Startle reflexes
The Pons (bridge) 1. Conveys m- information to spinal cord and cerebellum Helps regulate 2. s-/w- cycle 3. M- 4. Control b-
- Motor information
- Sleep/ wake cycle
- Movement
- Controls breathing
The Medulla Oblongata relays information from the brain to the spinal cord
- The desussation point: _0% A- cross from opposite hemispheres
- Regulate h- r- respiration and b- p-
- 90% of Axons cross across left and right
2. Regulate heart rate respiration and blood pressure
The Spinal cord:
- Enlargements occur at areas of s- and m- control connection, wider areas for processing.
- Enlargements - C and L
- C - supplies nerves to u- limbs (shoulders)
- L- supplies nerves to l- limbs (pelvis)
- Sensory and motor control
- Cervical and lumber
- Cervical , upper
- Lumber, lower
Spinal cord Anatomy:
1.White matter = m- and un- axons
2.Grey matter = cell bodies and un- axons, forms - shape horns
3. What are the 2 different types of roots?
1 type is Afferent ,1 Efferent
- Myenilated and unmyenilated axons
- Unmyenilated , H shape horns
- Dorsal / posterior roots (Afferent) - information to CNS
Ventral / anterior roots (efferent)
What are the functions of the Cerebrospinal fluid?
- Protect and regulate the _ _ _
- Act as a s- a- and f- brain in cranium
- H- : controls _ _ , carries/ circulates h- and n-
- Shock absorber , floats brain
- Homeostasis : controls PH / circulates hormones and nutrients
What protects the spinal cord ?
1. A f- l-
2. 3 types of Spinal m-
D- mater, A- mater, P- mater
- Fat layer
2. Meninges, Dura, Arachnoid , Pia
What 4 lobes divide the Cerebrum?
- Motor
- Sensory
- Language
- Vision
- Frontal
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Occipital
Frontal lobe functions: efferent Primary motor area and skeletal muscle control B- - - - - - - r L- - - - - - g P- - - - - - - - - y P- - - - - - - - - - - l state
Psychological state
Parietal lobe functions: Afferent Primary sensory area and perception of touch T- - - - e P- - - - - - e P- - n V- - - - - - - n T- - - - - - - - - e
Taste Pressure Pain Vibration Temperature
Temporal lobe functions: H - - - - - g L- - - - - - e M- - - - - y E - - - - - - s
Occipital lobe functions:
Primary visual area
V- - - - - perception
There are 4 ventricles in the brain.
Left ,Right ,3rd and 4th
_ _ _ circulates around the ventricles , cranial m- and central c- - - -
CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), Cranial meninges , central canal
Methods of protecting the brain:
- Hard shell
- _ _ _ : floats brain/ a- - - - - s impact, reduces weight _._kg - _.5g, cranial m - - - - - - s(3 types) D,A,P maters
- Cranium
2. CSF : absorbs , 1.4kg - 0.5g, cranial meninges , dura/arachnoid/pia mater
The Blood Brain Barrier
Protective mechanism isolates neural tissue from general circulation
*T - - - - junctions : prevent diffusion through capillaries.
*Astro? projections secrete chemicals that sustain the reduced permeability
*Glucose crosses the barrier by a—— t——–
- Tight junctions
- Astrocyte projections
- Active transport
Spinal cord anatomy:
H shape roots = grey matter
Dorsal roots = axons of Afferent (?) nerves bringing information ? the CNS
Ventral roots = Axons of efferent (?) neurons sending instructions ? of CNS to effectors
Sensory , to
Motor, out
Protecting the brain:
- Cranial meninges
- Dural folds
? Mater= strongest meninges , also forms Dural folds which hold brain in place.
? Mater = web like projections extend into sub? space and onto ? mater. Sub? space filled with CSF.
? Mater = covers cerebral cortex and spinal cord surface, most delicate of three.
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater, sub arachnoid, Pia mater, sub arachnoid
Pia mater
Protecting the spinal cord: Like the brain the spinal cord uses the same protective mechanisms. ? Mater and subdural space ? Mater and sub arachnoid space ? Mater
Dura mater
Arachnoid mater
Pia mater
Spinal cord anatomy:
Spinal cord like the brain is made of up roots and horns.
The p? root = Afferent (?) information in/out
The a? root = efferent (?) information in/out
The spinal n? sends the Afferent information to somatic (skin) / visceral (blood vessel) ? organs and tissues. The spinal n?sends the efferent information to visceral(smooth muscle) /somatic (skeletal muscle) ? organs and tissues.
Posterior, Sensory Anterior, Motor Nerve Sensory Nerve Motor