Why Capitalism Works Flashcards
verb / noun
To argue about something
* They are disputing whether or not to sell their house.
* There is a major dispute within the department.
An important & basic characteristic of a person or thing
* Happiness is an intrinsic part of their relationship.
* Hard work is of intrinsic value in this company.
Concern for one’s own interests
* It was out of self-concern that I decided to quit my job.
* Humans’ own self-concern can often be their downfall.
Concern oneself (with something)
verbal phrase
To give one’s attention to something
* She has been concerning herself with her work lately.
* They are concerning themselves with finishing the task on time.
By the very nature of what one does
By the basic quality of what one does
* I need to be creative by the very nature of what I do.
* He is optimistic by the very nature of what he does.
To avoid something
* She is trying to shun all publicity on this matter.
* The CEO is shunning the new staff members.
A strong desire to continually get more of something
* His greed for power was his destruction.
* These companies are all motivated by greed.
The economic sphere
A set of relations of people coming from the creation of material goods
* The economic sphere is at the heart of capitalism.
* The economic sphere goes back to the creation of farming cultures.
Regard for others
Caring about other people
* They did their business with little regard for others.
* He has no regard for others.
The act of using something
* The consumption of social media is truly horrifying.
* We are trying to decrease our consumption of meat.
Forego (something)
To give up the enjoyment of something
* We need to forego our weekends in order to make this business thrive.
* I will need to forego my consumption of sugar.
One’s own interest or advantage
* It was out of self-interest that he got divorced.
* Their own self-interest caused this.
To become financially successful
* We will prosper under these new guidelines.
* He was able to prosper after getting that loan.
Doing things that brings advantages to others
* His altruistic attitude is greatly appreciated.
* Luckily there are many altruistic people in charge.
“At its essence”
At its most basic part
* At its essence capitalism is good for society.
* At its essence this is a terrible idea.
The genius (of something)
The most amazing part of something
* The genius of this plan is that we will have virtually zero risk.
* The genius of that business is their customer service.
Courageous souls
adjective - noun
People with a lot of courage & confidence
* This monument is for the courageous souls who died.
* We need to thank the courageous souls who built this company.
The beating heart (of something)
The most important part of something
* They are the beating heart of this department.
* Hard work is the beating heart of her success.