3 Ways To Become A Morning Person Flashcards
More important / bigger than others
* This is one the major reasons for our success.
* Loneliness is a major cause of depression.
Things related to how your body functions
* There are many physiological reasons for a hangover.
* I want to improve my physiological and psychological condition.
A morning person
Someone who likes to get up early and feels good in the morning
* My wife is definitely not a morning person.
* I have always been a morning person.
Sleepy / dizzy
* He always feels a bit groggy on Saturday mornings.
* If you take these vitamins you will feel less groggy during the day.
When your body does not have enough water
* I was feeling a bit dehydrated after drinking all that whiskey.
* You should drink more water when you’re dehydrated.
Having enough water in one’s body
* It’s very important to be properly hydrated when working out.
* I try to stay hydrated during the summer months.
Set an alarm
verbal phrase
Set a time on your alarm for it to go off at a certain time
* I always set my alarm before I go to bed.
* She was late because she forgot to set her alarm.
Make an effort
verbal phrase
Try harder than usual to do something
* I can see she made an effort to create a good presentation.
* Thank you for making an effort to be here on time.
Having positive results
* I had a very productive meeting with her yesterday.
* It’s impossible to be productive if you are sleep-deprived.
Aerobic exercise
Physical activity that increases one’s heart and breathing rate
* I try to do thirty minutes of aerobic exercise every day.
* Aerobic exercise is the secret to his health.
… is worth doing
verbal phrase
Doing something will have beneficial results
* It’s worth seeing the new Star Wars movie.
* It’s not worth going to that new restaurant.
Succeed in doing something
* He managed to complete all of his work on time.
* It’s difficult for me to manage getting up early every day.
Things you do the same way at the same time every day
* Morning exercise is not part of my daily routine.
* You should try to create an eating routine to lose weight.