How Can You Change Someone’s Mind? Flashcards
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Weapons capable of causing large-scale destruction, including nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons
* The treaty aims to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction to unstable regions.
* The use of weapons of mass destruction is considered a severe violation of international law.
To produce an unintended negative result, often the opposite of what was intended
* Cutting costs by reducing customer support backfired, leading to a surge in complaints.
* His attempt to micromanage the team backfired, causing lower morale and productivity.
Brain teaser
A challenging puzzle or riddle designed to test thinking and problem-solving skills
* The interview started with a tricky brain teaser to test problem-solving skills.
* The puzzle was a real brain teaser, and it took the whole team to figure it out.
To completely overturn, disrupt, or change something dramatically
* The rise of e-commerce has upended traditional retail businesses.
* The new CEO’s strategy upended the company’s long-standing business model.
A self-evident truth or a universally accepted principle that requires no proof
* One common axiom in business is that innovation drives success.
* “What goes up must come down” is a simple axiom of physics.
To restore harmony or settle differences, typically after a disagreement or conflict
* After a long discussion, the two sides were finally reconciled and reached an agreement.
* The company’s leaders need to be reconciled before they can move forward with the merger.
The range or extent of something
* We need to understand the scope of the problem before finding a solution.
* The company’s expansion plans are beyond the scope of this meeting.
In a clear, final, or conclusive way
* After much discussion, they definitively decided on the project timeline.
* The case was definitively resolved after the judge’s final ruling.
A general agreement or shared opinion among a group of people
* The team reached a consensus on the new project direction.
* There is a general consensus that the company needs to improve its customer service.
A person’s tendency, preference, or natural feeling toward something
* His inclination toward helping others makes him a great leader.
* Her inclination is to work independently rather than in a team.
Hold dear
phrasal verb
To deeply value or care for something or someone
* She holds dear the memories of her childhood home.
* The company holds dear its reputation for quality and service.
A response that disproves an opposing argument
* His rebuttal to the accusation was strong and convincing.
* She offered a quick rebuttal to the criticism during the meeting.