Four Things to Consider Before Changing Careers Flashcards
Whether or not (to do something)
Used for choosing between things
* It’s hard to choose whether or not to go on a holiday this year.
* I don’t know whether or not to change jobs.
In order to …
With the purpose of doing something
* She studied medicine in order to become a doctor.
* I will go home early in order to cook dinner.
To judge the quality, importance or value of something
* I’m trying to evaluate the results of the survey.
* Evaluating the effects of climate change is vital.
To spend time thinking about a decision
* I need some time to consider what to do next.
* We were considering selling the house.
Bored / Boring
Feeling that something is not interesting /
Describing something that is not interesting
* I’ve been very bored with my job recently.
* I don’t want to watch that boring movie again.
The source (of something)
The place or thing where something comes from
* We need to find the original source of the problem first.
* Investments has been his major source of income.
Sometimes, but not often
* I occasionally go for a walk in the park.
* Occasionally I will drink more than I should…
A usual way of doing things
* Exercising in the morning is part of my daily routine.
* She is trying to incorporate yoga lessons into her weekly routine.
To lose interest (in something)
verbal phrase
To no longer be interested in something
* I’ve lost all interest in continuing with this task.
* She has started to lose interest in her marriage.
The possibility of something developing
* I think this business has the potential to become very successful.
* It seems there is some potential for advancement in my career.
A raise
An increase in one’s salary
* I think I’ll ask for a raise from my boss next month.
* He has been given a big raise recently.
To stick (with something)
To continue doing something
* I think I’ll stick with my current iPhone before I upgrade.
* She has decided to stick with her current job.
Seek out
phrasal verb
To look for something
* I’m trying to seek out a new place to live.
* She is seeking out a new career.
To notice / pay attention to something
* You should note that there is a public holiday next week.
* Please note that we will not be open next week.
Change fields
verbal phrase
To change one’s job to a new / different industry
* I’ve been considering whether or not to change fields.
* She changed fields and is now working at a legal firm.
A pay-cut
A decrease in pay or salary
* I’ve been forced to take a pay-cut recently.
* He will have to take a pay-cut if he changes jobs.
To find something exactly
* We were unable to pinpoint the source of this problem.
* I need to pinpoint the cause of this issue.
How important something is
* It is important to feel that your job has some value.
* We should not forget the value he brings to the company.
At the end of the day
When everything is taken into consideration
* At the end of the day I think it’s best that we sell that business.
* At the end of the day they decided to not expand overseas.
Make a call
verbal phrase
To make a decision
* Someone will have to make a call about this problem.
* I think he made a bad call not discussing this with us first.