Understanding Body Language When Negotiating Flashcards
Give away one’s position
verbal phrase
To reveal one’s feelings unintentionally
He gave away his position during the poker game.
Try not to give away your position so easily.

Inflection (of one’s voice)
The way one’s voice changes during speech (e.g. emphasizing words)
I noticed a change in his inflection.
There was no inflection in her voice.

Old-fashioned / not modern
These computers are all outdated.
Those concepts of gender now seem outdated.

The hidden part of one’s mind that influences one’s actions
When you dream it’s a chance for your subconscious mind to express itself.
It was hidden in her subconscious.

A possible event in the future
We need to prepare for every imaginable scenario.
In a scenario like this it is easy to make a mistake.

A person who is competing against you
Our opponents are gaining in strength.
He beat his opponent easily.

Calibrate (someone)
To measure someone’s actions based on their standard behavior
You should try and calibrate his behavior first.
By calibrating someone correctly you can beat them.

Small talk
Conversation about things that are not important between people who do not know each other well
We made some small talk with one of my new neighbors today.
Talking about the weather is common small talk.

Get a feel (for something/someone)
verbal phrase
Get to know something / someone
I want to take the car for a test-drive to get a feel for it.
You should first go on a date to get a feel for him.

A signal someone gives through some action
There are several cues people tend to give when they are lying.
Please give me a cue when I should start.

A group of similar things that are close together
There was a new cluster of infections in that bar.
She had a cluster of fans gathered around her.

Secret information about governments / companies / people
They were able to gather some intelligence on their competition.
Russian intelligence is not always reliable.

“Some way to go”
Something is not finished yet
We still have some way to go on this project.
There is some way to go before the end.