Always On in a Digital World Flashcards
To be able to use a service
* We all have easy access to our internal server.
* His access to the system has been restricted.
People living together in a community in an organized way
* Society needs people from all walks of life to function well.
* He is a very productive member of society.
A never-ending stream
A continuous flow of something that seems to never end
* Social media platforms provide a never-ending stream of updates from those you follow.
* Their site contains a never-ending stream of news articles.
Instant gratification
adjective - noun
The desire for an immediate satisfaction of a need
* Many young people today are used to getting instant gratification.
* Online shopping offers instant gratification for customers.
To get out of a place where you do not want to be
* She was able to escape from that terrible relationship eventually.
* He tends to escape into online video games whenever he can.
‘At a moment’s notice’
Being able to do something immediately
* She is always ready to help her team members at a moment’s notice.
* IT staff can be called at a moment’s notice when we need them.
Something that prevents you from concentrating
* Her children are a big distraction for her when she is trying to work.
* It’s important to eliminate distractions when working from home.
‘On top of all of that’
In addition to other challenges
* The project has been rescheduled, and on top of all of that, their manager quit.
* The weather was terrible, and on top of all of that, we missed our flight!
To read, watch or listen to information from various sources
* I prefer to consume my news from more than one source.
* She is trying to consume less online content.
False information
adjective - noun
Information that is incorrect
* That article was full of intentional false information.
* They were criticized for spreading false information.
Spread rapidly
verb - adverb
To spread very quickly and widely
* The news of his death spread rapidly around the world.
* The virus was able to spread rapidly in China.
To examine something carefully to find the truth about it
* We are investigating the cause of this issue.
* They investigated her allegations of harassment.
Legitimate information
Information that is accurate and reliable
* We are basing our decisions on legitimate information.
* Legitimate information is critical for us.
To see and understand the difference between two things
* It is sometimes not easy to distinguish truth from lies.
* She was able to distinguish the changes in the documents.
Unfounded claims
adjective - noun
Statements made without evidence
* The president made several unfounded claims in his speech.
* Unfounded claims about the virus caused a lot of panic.
Extremely important
* It is crucial that we be there on time.
* AI is crucial to their business.
To reduce something
* I’m trying to moderate the time I spend on line.
* We need to moderate our spending overseas.
‘Studies have shown’
Indicating the findings of scientific research
* Studies have shown that smoking causes cancer.
* Studies have shown that exercise improves mental health.
Screen time
The amount of time someone spends using devices with screens
* They are trying to limit their children’s screen time.
* Too much screen time is bad for your eyes.
To watch and check something carefully over a period of time
* It is important to monitor your spending habits.
* We are trying to monitor that department’s cash flow.
To need time, effort or a particular quality
* This position demands someone with leadership skills.
* Certain movies demand a lot of concentration from the audience.
Very important
* It is key to to make sure our plans are in order.
* He is a key figure in the department.
Something that you do regularly
* I’m trying to change my habit of sleeping late on weekends.
* She has a habit of always spending too much.
False or inaccurate information
* They are trying to reduce the spread of misinformation.
* The article was full of misinformation.