5 Leadership Lessons from Apple CEO Tim Cook Flashcards
Crave the spotlight
verbal phrase
Meaning that someone deeply desires to receive a lot of public attention
* He has never really craved the spotlight.
* She has always been craving the spotlight in the industry.
A wealth of …
A lot of …
* They have a wealth of information on human resources.
* She has a wealth of experience in this industry.
Steward (an organization)
To lead an organization
* He has been stewarding Apple since Steve Job’s passing.
* I have been tasked to steward the company when the CEO resigns.
A word or expression that has become fashionable to use
* ‘CRM’ is the current buzzword for customer service.
* ‘Diversity’ is a new HR buzzword.
A large of number of different types of something
* We need a plurality of opinions on this matter from the staff.
* There is a plurality of concepts about leadership.
Bring something to the table
verbal phrase
To provide something of value to a discussion / project
* She brings a lot of experience and expertise to the table.
* They brought some great ideas to the table.
To control something so that it can be used effectively
* Organizations need to harness the skills and abilities of their employees better.
* We will harness the power of this technology in our business.
Put on a face
To behave in a way that is different from one’s real personality in order to appear confident / in control
* Luckily I don’t need to put on a face when I go to work.
* She has had to put on a face when dealing with that particular manager.
The beliefs people have about what is right or wrong
* We are united by our values.
* Working for them goes against my values.
Unkind or cruel
* He received very harsh punishment for what he did.
* They received some harsh criticism for their actions.
The value of a company that cannot be directly measured, for example, its reputation or customers’ loyalty
* He helped create a lot of goodwill around the company.
* The goodwill we have as an organization is invaluable.
A high bar
A high standard
* That college has a very high bar of entry.
* He set a high bar for others to follow.
Carve out time
To set aside time in order to do something specific
* I have been able to carve out time for study and reflection.
* It’s hard to carve out time for everything one values in life.
To be interested only in your group and not open to different ideas or people
* They have a very insular philosophy and management style.
* It can be all too easy for organizations to get very insular in certain stressful situations.