What does the coronavirus do to your body? Flashcards
verb : to push or move something so that the part that usually touches the ground is not touching the ground any more:

alaşağı etmek, tepetakla etmek
*She —-ed the chessboard halfway through the game because she was losing.*
*As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the U.S. – canceling major events, closing schools, —–ing the stock market and disrupting travel and normal life*
- upend
noun : MUSCLE [C]
a strong, painful movement of the muscles that a woman has when she is having a baby
(hamile) kasların kasılması
*She was having ——-s every ten minutes.*
WORD [C] : a short form of a word or group of words
kısaltma, kısaltılmış sözcükler
*‘Won’t’ is a ——- of ‘will not’.*
*The WHO and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise the public be watchful for fever, dry cough and shortness of breath, symptoms that follow —— of the new coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2.*
REDUCTION [U] : an action in which something becomes smaller or shorter
büzülme, çekme, kısalma, küçülme

- contraction
noun : the process in which a bird, etc. keeps its eggs warm until the young come out, or the process in which an egg develops until the stage at which the young come out:

*The —— period varies depending on the time of year when the eggs were laid.
Coronavirus ——-*
- incubation
adjective : similar in size, amount, or quality to something else

kıyaslanabilir, mukayese edilebilir, karşılaştırabilir
*Our prices are —— to those in other stores.*
*dry cough, shortness of breath, fever and headache and muscle pain and tiredness, —— to the flu.*
- comparable
noun : the tube that carries air from your throat to your lungs

nefes borusu
*The 13.8% of severe cases and 6.1% critical cases are due to the virus trekking down the —– and entering the lower respiratory tract, where it seems to prefer growing.*
- windpipe
noun [C] (BAG OF LIQUID)
BIOLOGY specializeda part of a plant or animal that is like a bag and often contains liquid, or a similar artificially made structure:
*A — of saline solution is then inserted into the cavity.*
*Pneumonia is characterized by shortness of breath combined with a cough and affects tiny air —-s in the lungs, called alveoli*

- sac
verb : AGREE [I] : to agree to something that is not exactly what you want
uzlaşmak, anlaşmak, orta yol bulmak
*The president may be willing to compromise in order to pass the bill.*
——- yourself : to do something dishonest or embarrassing that makes people stop admiring you
haysiyetine/onuruna gölge düşürmek, şerefini tehlikeye atmak
BELIEFS [T] : to do something that does not agree with what you believe in
isteklerinden feragat etmek/fedakârlıkta bulunmak, istemediği halde yapmayı kabul etmek, taviz vermek
*refuse to —— my principles.*
HARM [T] formal : to have a harmful effect on something
kötü etkisi olmak, tehlikeye sokmak
*Others at risk include people with pulmonary abnormalities, chronic disease or ——d immune systems, such as cancer patients who have gone through chemotherapy treatment.*

- compromise