adjective : used to refer to a mental or physical characteristic that someone has from birth:

Apparently some people have an —— tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour.
“With the good ones, it is —–. You can’t teach it.”
- inborn
being the most typical example or most important part of something:
biçilmiş kaftan
Sheep’s milk cheese is the —— Corsican cheese.
Despite being the —– ‘big man on campus’

- quintessential
noun : something that causes a loss of respect for someone or for yourself:

hakaret, aşağılama, küçük düşürücü hareket
Clint suffered the —— of being called “Puppy” in front of his girlfriend.
Olds suffered the —— of a demotion from Cadet Captain to Private after admitting to a weekend’s drinking in New York, doing punishment marches until he graduated.
- indignity
verb : to be moved to a less important job or position, especially as a punishment
(ceza olarak) daha alt bir göreve getir(il)mek; rütbesini indirmek
—–ion noun : indirme
Olds suffered the indignity of a —– from Cadet Captain to Private after admitting to a weekend’s drinking in New York, doing punishment marches until he graduated.

- demote
verb [T]
to continue to keep something
muhafaza etmek, tutmak, elinden kaçırmamakWill this beauty queen —- her crown?
He’d —– a disdain for officious authority the rest of his days.

- retain
noun [U] : a feeling of dislike towards someone or something and the opinion that they do not deserve any respect
küçümseme, aşağılama, hor görme
His —– for politicians is obvious.
He’d retain a ——- for officious authority the rest of his days.
—–ful adjective
——fully adverb : küçümser gibi

- disdain
verb : SAME [I] : If two numbers or stories tally, they are the same.
uymak, uyuşmak, birbirini tutmak
TOTAL [T] (also —- up)
to find out the total number
toplam rakamı bulmak
Within a year he’d been promoted to Major and given command of a squadron, personally —-ing up 12 confirmed air-to-air kills.

- tally
verb [T] : to collect information and arrange it in a book, report, or list

derlemek, bir araya getirmek, toplamak
In time, the Navy would —– statistics showing that for a career Navy pilot, i.e., one who intended to keep flying for twenty years… there was a 23 percent probability that he would die in an aircraft accident.
- compile
noun [C] : an attractive, famous person who is often in big photographs that people stick to their walls, or the photograph of that person

(genellikle güzel kadın) duvara asılan resim
The store also sells kitschy light switch plates of Elvis and retro ____-____ girls.
Olds marrying the Hollywood star and ___-____ girl Ella Raines
- pin-up
adjective : very large or important, or something that people enjoy or admire:

kocaman, önemli veya hayran bırakan
A woman whose ——– curves had doubtless graced the fuselages of a few of the bombers Olds had shadowed over Europe.
- bodacious
adverb : probably

hiç kuşkusuz
He will —— be criticized by journalists.
A woman whose bodacious curves had —— graced the fuselages of a few of the bombers Olds had shadowed over Europe.
- doubtless
verb [T] : When a person or object graces a place or thing, they make it more attractive.

şereflendirmek, şeref vermek, teşrif etmek
Her face has —–d the covers of magazines across the world.
A woman whose bodacious curves had doubtless —-d the fuselages of a few of the bombers Olds had shadowed over Europe.
- grace
noun : the —– of sth
the start or arrival of something new
yeni bir şeyin ortaya çıkması ya da başlaması
the —– of the Internet
The —— of the nuclear bomb, and its use in ending hostilities in the Pacific theatre of WWII

- advent
adverb : as a result

sonuç itibariyle, bu nedenle, bundan dolayı
She was the child of two models and, ——-, she was very tall.
———-, the training of airmen in close-quarters aerial combat began to be phased out and US military aircraft equipped not with guns, but only missiles and bombs.
- consequently