Motor Car Flashcards
verb [T]
to be a sign of something
işareti olmak, manasına gelmek
The term is used more specifically to —– any such vehicle designed to carry two to seven people.

- denote
noun [U] : goods that are carried by trains, trucks, ships, or aircraft
yük, eşya, kargo
Larger vehicles designed for more passengers are called buses, and those designed to carry —- are called lorries.

- freight
noun [C] : a large road vehicle for carrying goods from place to place
Larger vehicles designed for more passengers are called buses, and those designed to carry freight are called —–ies.

- lorry
verb [T]
to be or form something
oluşturmak, teşkil etmek, olmak, bir araya getirmek
These ——- the chassis, on which the body is mounted.

- constitute
noun [U] : CAUSING HURT: behaviour intended to hurt or kill someone
şiddet, sertlik kaba kuvvet kullanma
an act of ——–
A number of people were killed in the —–.
EXTREME FORCE : extreme force and energy, especially of something causing damage
şiddet, zor, zorbalık
Such was the —— of the explosion that three buildings collapsed.
These gases escape with almost explosive —— with the sudden opening of the exhaust valve.

- violence
verb : to get something
elde etmek, edinmek, kazanmak
to —– permission
He——ed a law degree from the University of California.
——able adjective : If something is —–able, you can get it.
elde edilebilir, kazanılabilir
This information is easily ——able on the Internet.
A further increase in power and smoothness is ——ed in engines of 6, 8, 12, and 16 cylinders, which are arranged in either a straight line or two banks assembled in the form of a V.

- obtain
verb : LIQUID : liquids changes into gas or vapour(= very small drops of water).
FEELINGS [I] : If feelings ——, they disappear.
(duygular) uçup gitmek, yok olmak, buharlaşmak
——-ion noun : buharlaşma

- evaporate
noun : a container used for storing or putting objects in:

kap, hazne, depo
Residents are given four separate ——-s for their rubbish.
- receptacle
noun : gas or extremely small drops of liquid that result from the heating of a liquid or solid:

The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury —–.
Air is mixed with the —— of the petrol in the carburettor.
- vapour
adjective : ———- action or change is sudden and extreme.
esaslı, ani, sert, güçlü, şiddetli, etkili
———— reductions in price
When a mixture extremely rich in petrol is necessary, a valve known as the choke cuts down the air intake ————ally, permitting large quantities of unvaporised fuel to enter the cylinder.

- drastic