How To Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt Posture - 10 Exercises Flashcards
verb : If something such as a part of the body protrudes, it comes out from the surface more than usual.

çıkıntı yapmak/oluşturmak, dışarı fırlamak, pırtlamak
*————-ing ears/teeth*
* if you’ve ever been told that your butt sticks out or that your stomach ————-s, chances are you have an anterior pelvic tilt.*
- protrude
adjective : unpleasant to look at

göze hoş gelmeyen, çirkin, nahoş
*————- piles of litter*
*Not only is an anterior pelvic tilt ———-, it can lead to a variety of problems, including:*
- unsightly
noun : a small hollow place on your skin, often one that appears on your face when you smile

* Locate your PSIS - you can find these just below the ————s in your lower back…*
- dimple
verb : to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc in order to make something happen

(yetki, güç, nüfuz vb.) uygulamak, kullanmak, tatbik etmek
*My parents ———ed a lot of pressure on me to do well at school.*
* This muscle imbalance causes the pelvis to rotate anteriorly, as the tightened muscles ———- a stronger force compared to the weakened muscles, which moves your pelvic out of it’s neutral position into an anterior position.*
- exert