Learn a Language Fast! - Why you shouldn't believe courses that make this claim Flashcards
noun : SEED [C, U] : a seed or seeds from types of grass that are eaten as food
*—–s of wheat/rice*
PIECE : a very small piece of something
tanecik, zerre
*I’m here to tell you to take these guarantees with a —– of salt.*
QUALITY [no plural] : a very small amount of a quality
azıcık, çok az miktar, zerrecik
*There isn’t a —– of truth in her story.*
the grain : the natural direction and pattern of lines which you can see in wood or material
(ahşap, taş, kaya, mermer, demir vb.) damar
*to cut something along/against the ——-*

- grain
adjective : existing as a natural and basic part of something
kendinde/yapısında var olan; doğasında olan
*The desire for freedom is —— in all people.*
——–ly adverb
içten gelircesine
*There’s nothing ——-ly wrong with his ideas.*
*So “learning a language fast” is ——-ly contradictory.*

- inherent
adjective : If two statements about the same subject or two actions by the same person are ——–, they are very different.

çelişkili, birbirine zıt/aykırı
*So “learning a language fast” is inherently ——-.*
- contradictory
noun : the structure made of all the bones in the body of a person or animal
*a ——– crew/staff/service*
*You might be able to get by learning just one way, but ultimately this is like learning a “——-“ of the language rather than the whole language. *
the smallest number of people that you need to keep an organization working
çekirdek kadro; bir işyerinin bel kemiğini oluşturan personel

- skeleton
adjective : (LIMITED) C2 having a limit or end:

*The funds available for the health service are —– and we cannot afford to waste money.*
*Language is not ——*
- finite
adjective : specialized
relating to words
sözcüklere ait
*In the language you are learning, the number of these unknown —– items will obviously be much greater.*

- lexical
adverb : in a way that is easy to understand or see

açıkça, besbelli, belli ki
*They’re ——- in love.*
*In the language you are learning, the number of these unknown lexical items will —— be much greater.*
- obviously
past of teach

‘öğretmek’ fiilinin geçmiş zaman hâli
*Fluency is not something that can be ——-*
- taught
adjective : doubting that something is true or useful

şüpheci, kuşkucu, kuşkulu, şüphe duyan
*Scientists remain —— about astrology.*
*But because of the diversity in learners, a blanket claim for every student reaching success in X amount of time should make you ——–.*
- sceptical
verb : ORDER OFFICIALLY : to officially order that a rule, tax, punishment, etc will happen
yürürlüğe koymak, uygulamak, yüklemek
*to —– a ban/tax*
*The judge ——d the death penalty on both men.*
FORCE TO ACCEPT : to force someone to accept a belief or way of living
zorla kabul ettirmek, zorlamak
*I don’t want them to —— their religious beliefs on my children.*
*But I would argue that you are setting yourself up to fail if you expect to get to a certain level within an ——-d timeframe.*

- impose
phrase verb: go with together

el ele gitmek
* I believe that time and language learning – — – —– .*
- go hand in hand