Get rid of heartburn Flashcards
noun : a painful burning feeling in the lower chest caused by the stomach not digesting food correctly

mide yanması
But when the LES malfunctions, it becomes the main player in ——— a searing, sometimes sour-tasting chest-spasm that many people will experience at some point in their lives.
- heartburn
adjective [always before noun] : extreme and unpleasant
yakıcı, şiddetli, acı veren, eti mühürleme, sızlayan,
But when the LES malfunctions, it becomes the main player in heartburn a ———-, sometimes sour-tasting chest-spasm that many people will experience at some point in their lives.

- searing
verb [T] to say what is wrong with someone who is sick

teşhis etmek, tanı koymak
When the symptoms of heartburn become more more regular and intense —such as twice a week or more it’s ————d as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD.
- diagnose
verb : to live somewhere

ikamet etmek, yaşamak
Heartburn starts in an area called the gastroesophageal junction, where the LES ———-
My sister currently ———-s in Seattle.