PUBLIC AFFAIRS GUIDANCE 18 Oct 2018 Flashcards
noun [U] a situation in which someone is successful, usually by earning a lot of money
refah, başarı, zenginlik
Our security is the basis of everything we hold dear: our democracy, our ________ and our freedom.

- prosperity
adjective : strong and healthy
sağlam, gürbüz, güçlü, sağlıklı
He looks —— enough.
a ________ economy
We do that by working together and by making sure our military forces remain _______.

- robust
adjective : strong enough to get better quickly after damage, illness, shock, etc

çabuk iyileşen, kendini çabuk toparlayabilen
Growth figures show that the economy is still fairly ——-.
So are the benefits for our —–ce and our strength.
- resilient
noun : something that you do because it is your duty or because you feelyou have to

yükümlülük, mecburiyet, görev, boyun borcu, zorunluluk
a moral/legal ——
We act in accordance with international ——s as we exert our right to train and exercise.
- obligation
verb [T] : to make someone less likely to do something, or to make something less likely to happen

caydırmak, vazgeçirmek, yıldırmak
Together we —– adversaries
- deter
noun : ACHIEVEMENT [U] : success in doing something good
büyük başarı
Finishing the course gave me a great sense of ———-.
SKILL [C] formal : a skill in art, music, writing, etc
sanat, müzik ve yazıda büyük başarı
Air Power plays a vital role in the ——– of NATO’s three core tasks: Collective Defence; Crisis Management; and Cooperative Security.

- accomplishment