Back To School: 3 Tips To Make Language Learning Fun At Home Flashcards
adjective :related or useful to what is happening or being talked about
…ile ilgili, ….a/e uyan, faydalı, uygun
——- information
Education should be —— to children’s needs.
Make it ——.

- relevant
noun : BEHAVIOUR : specialized biology a cultural feature or a type of behaviour that is passed from one generation to another, without the influence of genes:
A —— is the cultural equivalent of the unit of physical heredity, the gene.
For younger learners, this could be asking them what they think will happen in their favorite cartoon, and for older learners this could be asking them about their favorite trends and the latest ——s on social media.
- memes
verb : to repeat the actions of an event that happened in the past as a hobby or as a performance:

yeniden sahnelemek
The show ——–s medical emergencies.
Encourage them to —— their favorite scene from a movie or sing a song they enjoy.
- reenact
noun : the person who tells the story in a book, film, play, etc

anlatan, öykücü, öyküleyen
Or perhaps they’re a ——- for a nature documentary, a sports commentator, or even a tour guide.
- narrator
noun: a list of foods and a set of instructions telling you how to cook something
yemek tarifi
a —– for carrot cake
be a —– for disaster/trouble/success, etc : to be likely to become a disaster, a success, etc
muhtemel felakete/soruna/başarıya vs. davetiye/yol/reçete/anahtar/hazırlayıcı olmak
Getting practical with a language is a great way to help your child learn, so whether you make a ——-, clean the house, or copy what someone else is doing in a video, it still counts

- recipe
adjective : be ——- by/with sb/sth : to think about someone or something all the time
birine/bir şeye kafayı takmak; …ile takıntılı olmak; …dan/den başka bir şey düşünememek
to be ——- with money/sex
Whatever they’re ——- with, try finding something to follow in their target language.

- obsessed