The Survival Story Of The Only Known Person To Parachute Through A Thunderstorm Flashcards
verb : DIE [I, T]
to die because you are under water and cannot breathe, or to kill someone in this way
suda boğulmak/boğmak
*Two people ————ed in a boating accident yesterday.*
*How did he almost ——— in the sky?*
COVER [T] (also drown out)
If a loud noise drowns the sound of something else, it prevents that sound from being heard.
gürültüye/sese boğmak
*His voice was ————ed out by the traffic.*

- drown
phrasal verb : to learn or discuss the most recent news

güncel haberleri öğrenmek,tartışmak
*Let’s meet for a chat - I need to ——- —- on all the gossip.*
* he got ———- —- in a cumulonimbus tower*
- catch up
adjective : TWISTED (also tangled up)
twisted together in an untidy way
karma karışık olmuş; kör düğüm olmuş, arapsaçına dönmüş
*The wires are all ————.*
*his parachute became ———- in the branches and he smacked his head right into the trunk of one of the trees*
CONFUSED : confused and difficult to understand
karma karışık, anlaşılması güç
*————- finances*
be ——— up in/with sth : to be involved in something unpleasant or complicated that is difficult to escape from
dolanmak/dolaştırmak; dolandırmak/dolaşmak

- tangled
noun : cloth
kumaş, dokuma, bez
*a light/woollen ———-
he’d hit the ——— in his parachute,*
the ——- of sth : the basic way in which a society or other social group is organized
bir şeyin yapısı/toplumun yapısı
*The family is part of the ——— of society.*
the walls, floor, and roof of a building
bir binanın çatı duvar ve döşemesi

- fabric
noun [C] : LEG/ARM
a leg or an arm of a person
kol bacak
* His ———-s became frostbitten and the water vapor was so thick at times*
TREE : a large branch of a tree
ana dal, büyük dal, kol

- limb
adjective : having an injury caused by severe cold, usually to your toes, fingers, ears, or nose:
* His limbs became ————-*
*————- fingers/toes
When parts of the body are —————, they become pale and blistered.*

- frostbitten
to allow someone to leave a prison or place where they have been kept
serbest bırakmak, salıvermek, tahliye etmek
*The last hostages were finally ——-d yesterday.*
GET OUT : to get someone out of a situation or place that they cannot escape from
kurtarmak, çıkarmak
*Firefighters worked for two hours to ——- the driver from the wreckage.*
* Once he’d ——-d himself from the tree, he hiked along until he found a road and attempted to hitch a ride.*
TAKE AWAY : to help someone by taking something unpleasant away from them
kurtulmasına yardım etmek
*The book’s success ——-d her from her financial worries.*
MAKE AVAILABLE (also ——- up)
to make something available for someone to use
yer açmak, sağlamak
*I need to ——- up some space for these files.*

- free
noun [C] : a long piece of wood or metal at the bottom of a boat that helps it to balance

tekne omurgası
* bursting some of its helium bags and breaking the ———-.*
- keel
verb : past tense tore | past participle torn
to pull paper, cloth, etc into pieces, or to make a hole in it by accident
yırtmak, yırtılmak
*The nail had ——- a hole in my skirt.*
If paper, cloth, etc tears, it becomes damaged because it has been pulled.
yırtılmak, yırtmak, paramparça etmek

- tear