How to Fix Your Rounded Shoulders (5 Simple Ways) Flashcards
verb : —— a battle/campaign/war, etc
to fight or organize a series of activities in order to achieve something
başarmak için bir dizi faaliyet düzenlemek; mücadele etmek; başlatıp sürdürmek; savaşmak
*They’re currently ——-ing a campaign to change the law.*
* Desks, chairs, and computers are ——-ing war against our bodies.*

- wage
verb : If a price, value, or amount ———s, it goes down suddenly.
aniden büyük ölçüde düşmek; dibe vurmak
*Sales have ———-ed by 50%.*
———— back/down/over, etc : to fall or sit down suddenly because you feel tired or weak
çökmek, yığılıp kalmak; dizlerinin bağı çözülmek
*She ————ed back in her chair, exhausted.*

- slump
noun : a piece of strong tissue in the body that holds bones together

bağ, kiriş, lif
*ankle/knee —————s*
* They launch daily attacks on our ————s and muscles.*
- ligament
verb : to stand, sit, or walk with your shoulders forward so that your body is not straight

başı öne düşmüş omuzları çökmüş yürümek/oturmak/dikilmek
*Stop ————ing and stand up straight.*
- slouch
verb : to stretch your neck, in order to see or hear something

boynunu uzatmak
* Specifically, when we slouch, the shoulders roll forward and the neck follows suit, ———-ing ahead of our bodies.*
- crane