noun UK : in ———— with sth : agreeing with a rule, law, or wish
…doğrultusunda, uyarınca, uygun olarak
Both companies have insisted that they were acting in ——– with the law.
For all foreign military flights to Norway, the military unit responsible for the flying is responsible for the flying being executed in ——- with Norwegian regulations.

- accordance
adjective : PERSON : B1 A —– person makes sure that children or people working for them behave well and does not allow them to break any rules.
katı, sert, disiplinli, hoşgörüsüz
a —— teacher
My parents were very —— with us.
RULE : If a rule, law, etc is ——, it must be obeyed.
sıkı, sert, katı, ödünsüz
She gave me —— instructions to be there by ten.
BEHAVIOUR [always before noun] : always behaving in a particular way because of your beliefs
koyu, katı, tam
a —— Muslim
EXACT : exactly correct
tam, kesinlikle, mutlak, harfi harfine
a —– translation of a text

- strict
verb : B2 to show that something is very important or worth giving attention to:
[+ question word] I’d just like to ———— how important it is for people to learn foreign languages.
to make something more obvious:
Tight jeans will only ———- any extra weight that you are carrying.
Following areas to be ————-:

- emphasize
Verb : to see or recognize something
farketmek, farkına varmak, ayırt etmek
———-ible adjective : görünür
There was no ———-ible difference between them
For VFR flights at night over the clouds (on top), the pilot will have ———-ible horizon as a visual reference, with or without NVG.

- discern
adjective [never before noun] : with special permission not to have to do something or pay something

muaf, hariç tutulmak, ayrıcalık tanınmış
The first £6,000 that you earn is ——- from tax.
The relevant ATC unit may ———- for single flights
- exempt
verb : to judge or consider something in a particular way

varsaymak, bir şekilde yargılamak, dikkate almak
The book was ———ed to be unsuitable for children.
Head of Flight Operations Swedish Armed Forces may impose stricter restrictions on foreign units when ———-ed necessary.
- deem
adjective : related or useful to what is happening or being talked about
…ile ilgili, ….a/e uyan, faydalı, uygun
———- information
Education should be ———— to children’s needs.
→ Opposite ir———-
The ———- ATC unit may exempt for single flights.

- relevant
adjective : done or happening in order to prepare for the main event or activity
başlangıç, ilk, ön, giriş
a ———— discussion/meeting
———— noun : something that you do at the start of an event or activity
hazırlık; giriş/başlangıç için yapılanlar
Submit a ———— application in accordance with European Diplomatic Clearance Form 48 hours before first entry in Swedish airspace and again after ENDEX when units leave Swedish territory.

- preliminary
verb : to not give enough care or attention to something or someone
ihmal etmek, önemsememek, göz ardı etmek
Some of these kids have been badly ———-ed in the past.
———- to do sth: to not do something, often intentionally
ihmal etmek, boşlamak, sermek
He ———ed to mention the fact that we could lose money on the deal.

- neglect
noun: COMMUNICATION : communication between people or groups that work with each other
irtibat, ilişki, bağlantı
PERSON : someone who helps groups to communicate effectively with each another
irtibatı/ilişkiyi sağlayan kişi, bağlantı kuran kişi/eleman
She served as an informal ———- between employees and management.
The Swedish transport Agency and The Swedish Armed Forces have made it a requirement that a Swedish ———— Officer (LNO) is stationed onboard any non-Swedish platform with this task.
RELATIONSHIP : a short, secret sexual relationship between people who are not married
zina, gayrimeşru cinsel ilişki, evlilik dışı ilişki

- liaison
verb : to take the place of someone or something that went before

yerini almak, yerine geçmek
[often passive] Records were ————ed by CDs.
- supersede