The Rebirth Of A Nation Flashcards
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the huge, ———— city of Los Angeles
It was in this realistic spirit that he regenerated his country, transforming the old ———- Ottoman Empire into a compact new Turkish Republic.
done intentionally, or planned
kasdi, isteyerek, bilerek, kasıtlı
This was a ———- attempt by them to deceive us.
Fairer than most, with high cheekbones and broad-set steel-blue eyes, he was slight in build and ———— in movement.
SLOW : careful and without hurry
sakin ve dikkatli
Her movements were calm and ————.
adjective : expressing an opinion forcefully and not worrying about what other people think
dobra, açık sözlü, sözünü esirgemeyen, lâfını sakınmayan
Alternately ———- and taciturn, the tension within him would now erupt into a harsh explosion of temper, now relax into an expression of urbane polished charm.
He’s an ——- critic of nuclear energy.
adjective : saying very little and not seeming friendly
az konuşan, sessiz, suskun; için için kuran
Alternately outspoken and ———-, the tension within him would now erupt into a harsh explosion of temper, now relax into an expression of urbane polished charm.
in ——-
without any success
boşuna, beyhude
I tried in ——- to start a conversation.
boş, yararsız
He made a —— attempt to reach the drowning woman.
having too much pride in one’s appearance, achievements etc; conceited
kibirli, kendini beğenmiş
She’s very —— about her looks.
—— of popular acclaim Atatürk was not.
a reason given in order to hide the real reason; an excuse
Asking her for a light was just a ——- for having a chance to speak to her.
Vain of his personal appearance, he dressed fastidiously, twirled up his eyebrows self-consciously, took a pride in his well-shaped hands and feet, which he liked to show off to his more intimate guests on the ——— of paddling in a pool he had made in his garden.
praise from a lot of people
alkış, övgü
international/critical ——-
Vain of popular ——- Atatürk was not.
to applaud or welcome enthusiastically
The whole team was ———ed by the fans at the end of the game.
not often
nadiren, seyrek, pek az
We ——- go out in the evenings.
He needed it for the task he had imposed on himself, but often flouted it and was ——- deceived by it.
to make someone believe something that is not true
aldatmak, düzen kurmak, hile yapmak
The company ———ed customers by selling old computers as new ones.
He needed it for the task he had imposed on himself, but often flouted it and was seldom ———ed by it.
She looked at him ———.
Once, when a friend proposed a gesture to public opinion, he flashed back at him ———, ‘I don’t act for public opinion. I act for the nation and for my own satisfaction.’
to happen at the same time as something else
tesadüf etmek, aynı zamana rastgelmek, çakışmak
The band’s American tour ———ed with the release of their second album.
The two motives ———ed.
FIND : to discover the facts or truth about something
belirlemek, saptamak, tespit etmek
The doctors are still unable to ——— what is wrong.
DECIDE : to decide what will happen
karar vermek
Her exam results will ——— which university she goes to.
His ambition, kindled by imagination, driven by a dominant nature and an inflexible will, was for power; but for power to give his people, in his own way, what he had ————ed, in his own mind, was best for them.
CONTROL SOMEONE : to stop someone doing something, sometimes by using force
zaptetmek, engel olmak, frenlemek, alıkoymak, mâni
I had to ——— myself from shouting at him.
In method he was pragmatic, ———-ing his natural impatience in order to progress ‘step by step towards the desired goal’.
despite what has just been said
yine de, bununla beraber, buna rağmen
He was extremely rude in meetings. ———, his arguments found some support.
The steps ———- were swift, liberal ends pursued often by illiberal means, with ruthless treatment of friends as of enemies.
adjective : cruel and not caring about other people
katı, duyarsız
a ——- remark
——— at times of human life, Atatürk was not personally inhuman.
adverb: ———ly
good at judging situations and making decisions that give you an advantage
kurnaz, zeki, açıkgöz, cin fikirli, akıllı
a ——— businessman.
He knew and appreciated human beings, whether individually or in the mass, assessing their character and predicting their actions with ——— intuition.
noun : cleverness and skill in dealing with a situation etc
ustalık, maharet
She managed that situation with great ———-.
Flexible in his methods of handling them, knowing just when to persuade, when to cajole, when to threaten, when to command, he was a master of political ———.
verb : to persuade someone to do something by being friendly or by promising them something
birini bir şey yapmaya güzellikle ikna etmek, vaatlerde bulunarak yapmasını sağlamak, aklını çelmek, ikna etmek
[ + into + doing sth ] She ——-d me into helping with the dinner.
Flexible in his methods of handling them, knowing just when to persuade, when to ———, when to threaten, when to command, he was a master of political finesse.
adjective : pleasantly sociable and friendly
şen şakrak
We spent a ———- evening having dinner with some old friends.
——— in his habits, he enjoyed human company, governing the country in effect from his dinner-table
adjective : A ——— sound is loud and clear.
çınlayan, çın çın öten, yankılanan
a deep, ——- voice
He loved, in a clear ———— voice which has been compared to that of ‘a masculine Sarah Bernhardt’, to talk, always frankly, often long-windedly, sometimes pointedly, with a sardonic wit and an acute turn of phrase.
noun [ U ] ———ce
adjective : humorous in an unkind way that shows you do not respect
someone or something:
a ———- smile/look/comment
He loved, in a clear resonant voice which has been compared to that of ‘a masculine Sarah Bernhardt’, to talk, always frankly, often long-windedly, sometimes pointedly, with a ———- wit and an acute turn of phrase.
verb [ T ] : to enjoy something
çok hoşlanmak, büyük zevk almak, tadını çıkarmak
I don’t ——— the thought of a twelve-hour flight.
He ——-ed and responded openly to the admiration of women.
noun : ENJOYMENT [ U ]
zevk, keyf, hoşlanma, haz
He had baked a cake which the children now ate with ———.
noun : EVENTS [ no plural ]
a number of similar events or people that happen, exist, etc after each other
art arda gelen, peşi sıra olan
to suffer a ———- of injuries
a ——— of boyfriends
POSITION [ U ] : an arrangement in which someone takes an official position or job after someone else
yerine geçme, halefi olma; görevi devralma
In the anti-climax which followed his death and ———— by the more conventional Inönü, a feminine admirer remarked, ‘Turkey has lost her lover and must now settle down with her husband.’
phrasal verb : STAY
to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with a partner
bir yere yerleşmek, ikâmet etmeye başlamak; ev bark edinip yerleşmek
Do you think he’ll ever —— ——- and have a family?
FEEL HAPPY : to start to feel happy and confident with a new situation
memnun olmak, güven duymak, ısınmak, kabullenmeye başlamak
Has she ——ed —— in her new job?
In the anti-climax which followed his death and succession by the more conventional Inönü, a feminine admirer remarked, ‘Turkey has lost her lover and must now ——- ——- with her husband.’
settle down
adjective : ———— rain is very heavy rain.
sel gibi
MACEDONIA, with its precipitous mountains and ———- rivers, was a land where the peoples of the Ottoman Empire met and merged and led their different lives.
noun : CALCULATION [ C ]
a calculation or guess about the future based on information that you have
tasarlama, tasarım, tahmin
government ————-s of population growth
It was a ——— in miniature of that loose but functioning organism by which the Turks had held together for five centuries a disparity of races of East and West.
IMAGE [ U ] : the use of a projector to show a film or an image on a screen or wall
yansıma, gösterim, projeksiyon
adjective : ENERGETIC
showing or needing a lot of physical energy
canlı, dinç, enerjik
——— exercise
The Macedonians, whether Moslem or Christian or Jew, Turk, Greek, Slav, Vlach or Albanian, were a ——— people, hardened by the discipline of their landscape and of a climate which ran to extremes, yet tempered from within and without by the civilizing influences of the West.
FORCEFUL : showing strong, often negative, feelings about something
sert, şiddetli, güçlü
He was a ——— opponent of the government.
noun MIXTURE : a substance that is a combination of two or more elements
bileşim, karışım, terkip
Water is a ———- of hydrogen and oxygen.
————-ed of these contrasting elements, they were a people of fiercely individual spirit.
verb : to make a problem or difficult situation worse
işleri iyice kötüye götürmek, daha da berbat etmek
Severe drought has ————ed food shortages in the region.
past of seek
‘aramak’ fiilinin geçmiş zaman hâli
phrasal verb
to divide something into smaller parts, in a way that people do not approve of
insanların istemediği biçimde bir şeyi küçük parçalara bölmek
Inspired by nationalist feeling, they sought to break free of the Empire and ——- — the country between them for the respective benefit of Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia.
The countryside has been ——ed —- and sold to property developers.
carve sth up
adjective : related to increasing the amount of land ruled by a country, or the business done by a company:
The great powers, the rival ———- empires of Austria-Hungary and Russia, intrigued from behind their adjoining frontiers, marking out spheres of influence, stirring up satellites, and preparing to move in when the moment was ripe.
The bank does not pursue an ———- strategy.
verb : If someone or something ———s you, they interest you very much.
ilgi çekmek, merak uyandırmak
The great powers, the rival expansionist empires of Austria-Hungary and Russia, ———d from behind their adjoining frontiers, marking out spheres of influence,stirring up satellites, and preparing to move in when the moment was ripe.
Ancient Egyptian art has always ——-d me.
adjective : next to and joined to something
yanıbaşında olan ve bir şeye bağlı olan
an ——— room
The great powers, the rival expansionist empires of Austria-Hungary and Russia, intrigued from behind their ———— frontiers, marking out spheres of influence, stirring up satellites, and preparing to move in when the moment was ripe.
noun : POWER [ C, U ] the power to affect how someone thinks or behaves, or how something develops
etki, nüfuz, sözü geçerlik
The great powers, the rival expansionist empires of Austria-Hungary and Russia, intrigued from behind their adjoining frontiers, marking out spheres of ———, stirring up satellites, and preparing to move in when the moment was ripe.
The drug companies have a lot of ——— on doctors.
adjective : developed enough and ready to be eaten
olmuş, olgun, hazır
——- bananas
The great powers, the rival expansionist empires of Austria-Hungary and Russia, intrigued from behind their adjoining frontiers, marking out spheres of influence, stirring up satellites, and preparing to move in when the moment was ——.
——- for sth : developed enough to be ready for something
hazır, gelişmiş, olgunlaşmış
The country is —— for change.
past tense of strive
çabalamak’ fiilinin geçmiş zaman hâli
The British Empire ——— to hold a balance of power, concerned not to grab territory but to secure communications with its own imperial possessions farther east.