Pentagon Chief to Suspend Turkey's F-35 Pilot Training Flashcards
noun : the act of stopping moving or happening
durma, hareketsiz kalma
*The car came to a —- just inches from the edge of the cliff.*
*Pilots currently training in the United States must leave the country by July 31 and —— training for new students.*
call a —- to sth : to officially order something to stop
resmen durdurmak/durmasını istemek
*The government has called a —- to all new building in the area.*

- halt
noun : the top layer of earth that plants grow in

*Turkey can still change its mind on purchasing the S-400 missile system, which is expected to arrive on Turkish —- as soon as this month*
- soil
noun : in the —— : in the time between two things happening, or while something else is happening

bu arada, bu esnada, bu zaman zarfında, bu süre içinde
*Your computer won’t be arriving till Friday. In the ——-, you can use Julie’s.*
*In the ——-, Turkey’s participation in the F-35 program will be all but suspended as of July 31.*
- meantime
verb : to be involved with other people in an activity
katılmak, iştirak etmek, yer almak, içinde bulunmak
*She rarely ——–s in any of the discussions.*
——-ion noun : katılım
*Both shows encourage audience ——-ion.*

- participate
adjective : INTENTIONAL : done intentionally, or planned
kasdi, isteyerek, bilerek, kasıtlı
*This was a —— attempt by them to deceive us.*
*If Turkey, however, receives the S-400 before July 31, this “measured and ——” plan will be “nullified,” according to the letter.*
SLOW : careful and without hurry
sakin ve dikkatli
*Her movements were calm and ——-.*

- deliberate
verb : LOSE EFFECT : to make something lose its effect
etkisini yok etmek, bertaraf etmek, etkisiz hâle getirmek
*Advances in medicine have —–ied the disease’s effect.*
LEGAL : to say officially that something has no legal power
resmî olarak ortadan kaldırmak, artık yasal bir etkisi olmadığını bildirmek
*The judge could —— the entire trial.*
*If Turkey, however, receives the S-400 before July 31, this “measured and deliberate” plan will be “—–ied,” according to the letter.*

- nullify
verb : to say exactly what must be done
koşul öne sürmek, şart koşmak; yapılması gerekeni tam olarak söylemek
*The rules —— that smoking is not allowed.*
*Foreign Policy reviewed a detailed list of actions attached to the letter ——-ing the steps the United States is planning to take if Turkey moves forward with purchasing the S-400*
——-ion noun : şart

- stipulate
verb : —– a danger/problem/threat, etc : to cause a problem
tehlike/sorun/tehdit yaratmak/çıkarmak/yol açmak/neden olmak
*A lot of these chemicals —- very real threats to our health.*
ATTRACT ATTENTION [I] mainly uk : to try to make people notice and admire you, especially by looking fashionable
caka satmak, hava atmak, poz yapmak
*Pascal was —-ing in his new sunglasses.*

- pose
noun : a quality that makes someone continue trying to do something, although it is very difficult

azim, sebat, kararlılık
*R. Nadal will need great ——- and skill to win this match.
*We have ———.*
- determination
verb : to be very angry, often without showing it

için için kızmak, sinirini sürekli içine atmak
*I left him —–ing with anger.*
*Erdogan is still —–ing over U.S. support for the Kurdish groups in the fight against Syria *
- seethe
adjective : FEELING : nervous, worried, and not able to relax
gergin, sinirli, huzursuz
*The students looked —– as they waited for their exam results.*
SITUATION : A —– situation makes you feel nervous and worried.
gergin, sinirleri bozan, huzursuz
*There were some —— moments in the second half of the game.*
*The news comes at a —- time for U.S.-Turkish relations.*
MUSCLE : A —– muscle feels tight and stiff.
gergin, sertleşmiş

- tense
adjective : extremely angry

çok kızmış, öfkelenmiş, çığırdan çıkmış
*Erdogan is still seething over U.S. support for the Kurdish groups in the fight against Syria and was likely further ——- by the delay in creating a buffer zone on the Syrian border. *
- incensed
noun : the linchpin of : the most important member of a group or part of a system, that holds together the other members or parts or makes it possible for them to operate as intended:

*Woodford is the ——- of the British athletics team.*
*Ankara must balance its relationship with the United States and NATO, which is the ——- of its defense posture, with ties to Moscow.*
- linchpin