Here's What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Two Eggs a Day. Flashcards
verb : USE: to use something such as a product, energy, or fuel
tüketmek, bitirmek
These lights don’t ——— much electricity.
EAT OR DRINK formal : to eat or drink something
yemek içmek
One study which was conducted by Dutch scientists claimed that 87% of women from 35 to 40 years old ———-d eggs and they managed to get rid of their age spots.
be ——-ed with/by sth : to have so much of a feeling that it affects everything you do
bunal/t)mak, sıkıntıdan patla(t)mak
She was a dancer ————ed by ambition.
FIRE : If fire ———-s something, it completely destroys it.
yakıp kül etmek

- consume
noun : FOOD:B1 one of the different foods that a particular type of food is made from
bileşimi/karışımı oluşturan madde, malzemeler
QUALITY: one of the parts of something successful
başarıya etki eden parçalardan biri; etken unsur
Trust is an essential ———— in a successful marriage.
Choline, which is needed for the brain, is also one of those ————-s that reduces the risk of cancer.

- ingredient
noun : the period of time in someone’s life between being a child and an adult

gençlik, buluğ çağı, ergenlik
One study, which explored the daily diet of women in ———- that included eggs, claimed that the risk of breast cancer decreased by 18%.
- adolescence
verb : to completely satisfy yourself or a need, especially with food or pleasure, so that you could not have any more:

doyurmak, haza ulaşmak
He drank greedily until his thirst was —d.
- satiate