Skip the Drugs: 5 Ways to Naturally Treat Acid Reflux Flashcards
noun : ANIMAL/PLANT: the material that animals and plants are made of
My acid reflux was so frequent I eventually developed scar ——- in my throat
FOR YOUR NOSE : B1 a soft piece of paper that you use for cleaning your nose
kâğıt mendil

- tissue
verb : MONEY : to pay someone money because you are responsible for injuring them or damaging something
tazmin etmek, zararını karşılamak, tazminat ödemek, telafi etmek
Victims of the crash will be ———d for their injuries.
MAKE BETTER: to reduce the bad effect of something, or make something bad become something good
acısını telafi etmek, azaltmak
Nothing will ever ———- for his lost childhood.

- compensate
noun : ILLNESS: a disease or mental problem
rahatsızlık veya zihinsel problem
This is because GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is the most common digestive —–— in the U.S.
BAD BEHAVIOUR : uncontrolled, bad behaviour, especially by large groups of people
kargaşa, düzensizlik, karışıklık, patırtı gürültü
crime and ———
NOT ORGANIZED : a situation in which things are untidy or confused and not organized
karmaşıklık, dağınıklık,
His financial affairs are in complete —-.

- disorder
adverb : WHAT YOU SAY: B2 used to emphasize that you mean exactly what you are saying and nothing more

sadece, yalnızca
I’m not arguing with you - I’m ——- explaining the problem.
The problem is acid reflux medications ——– mask the symptoms of the problem; they don’t address underlying causes.
- merely
verb : to produce a substance
salgılamak, çıkarmak
A mixture of substances are ——-ed by cells within the stomach.
Treating gastroesophageal reflux disease with profound acid inhibition will never be ideal because acid ——-ion is not the primary underlying defect.
———ion noun : salgı

- secrete
noun : a fault or problem with someone or something
kusur, eksik
Treating gastroesophageal reflux disease with profound acid inhibition will never be ideal because acid secretion is not the primary underlying ———.
A mechanical ——- caused the plane to crash.
———ive adjective : having a fault or problem
kusurlu, eksiği olan
———ive goods

- defect
noun : a condition in which the stomach swells and feels full and uncomfortable:
In other words, stomach ——- pushes acid and other contents through the lower esophageal valve (LES) into the esophagus.

- bloating
phrasal verb : to remove something unpleasant from somewhere

kurtarmak; arındırmak
Get — — Medications
- rid of
adjective : SATISFACTORY: B2 of a satisfactory quality or level
tatmin edici, kaliteli,
He earns a ——- salary.
HONEST: honest and morally good
doğru, dürüst, ahlaklı, edepli, terbiyeli
She should do the ——- thing and apologize.
CLOTHES [never before noun]: wearing clothes
giyinik, üzerinde kıyafet olan
Can I come in? Are you ———?
———ly adverb : muntazam bir şekilde

- decent
noun : FOR AN ILLNESS: B2 something that makes you better when you are sick
ilâç, deva, derman, çare
A Natural ——- for When Acid Reflux Hits
FOR A PROBLEM: something that solves a problem
çare, çıkar yol, çözüm
The ——- for the traffic problem is to encourage people to use public transport.

- remedy