Welfare support - post-war (T3) Flashcards
When was the NHS introduced?
What was the NHS?
A fully centralised and coordinated healthcare system
What did the nationalisation of the health service change?
- Voluntary hospitals were nationalised and a centrally run system
- Funded through taxes and not insurance
- Would provide free healthcare to everyone - from “the cradle to the grave”.
What was the impact of nationalisation of the health service?
- No. of deaths from infectious diseases like TB went down from 25,000 to 5,000 a year
- Deaths in childbirth fell to 0.18 in 1000 by 1970.
- Spending on the NHS went up, over 4% of GDP by 1965.
When was the Family Funding Act?
What did the family funding act mean?
Extra funding for parents to support their children financially.
What impact did the family funding act have?
By 1949, 88% of those who applied had received support.
When was the industrial injuries act created?
How was the industrial injuries act funded?
- Paid though contributions by workers and employers
- It was compulsory
What was the industrial industries act?
- Applied to anyone injured at work - benefit for 6 months
- If the person was injured for longer they were entitled to a pension
Give an example of the extension of support to workers
The 1946 Industrial Injuries Act and the 1948 National Assistance Act to deal with hardship and poverty - it was not “vigorously” means tested
What was the impact of the extension of support to workers?
The welfare state was putting the needs of people before the old economic logic of balancing the books so finely. Universal support for those in needs was becoming a reality in the post WW2 years.
Why was housing so desperately needed at this time?
700,000 houses were destroyed in WW2
How many houses were being built a year by 1948?
How many less houses were built than needed?
How many houses were built 1945-51?
1 million
How many houses were built by the gov. 1945-51?
4 in 5 of the 1 million were built by the gov.
What was the 1946 new towns act?
The rapid building allowed the gov the move people out of big cities and into new towns
When was the ‘Crosland Circular’
What did the ‘Crosland Circular argue’?
That Grammar Schools were unfair and all students should be educated in comprehensive schools.
What was the first comprehensive school called?
Thomas Tallis School
When were the first comprehensive schools introduced?
By 1979 what % of students were educated in a comprehensive school?
When was the FIsher education act?
When was the Hadow report?
When was the Butler act?
When was the Robbins report?
When was the Crosland circular?
When was the Plowden report?
Which education act was in 1918?
The Fisher education act
Which education act was in 1926?
The Hadow report
Which education act was in 1944?
The Butler act
Which education act was in 1963?
The Robbins report
Which education act was in 1965?
The Crosland circular
Which education act was in 1967?
The Plowden report
What are the 3 main things which education can affect?
- -> Society
- -> Economy
- -> Culture
What did the Fisher education act (1918) do?
- School leaving age raised to 14
- Introduced nursery and “contribution school” (Geddes axe scrapped this)
- Compulsory health checks for pupils
What did the Hadow reports (1926) do?
Lead to the creation of primary schools age 5-11
What did the Butler act (1944) do?
- Aimed to create a meritocratic system
- Introduced the 11+ –> this would determine what type of school the child went to
- Raised the school leaving age to 16
Why did the Butler act introduced the 11+?
It was believed that a child’s ability was fixed by 11
Who were grammar schools funded by?
The government
What happened if you didn’t pass the 11+?
You would go to either:
- A secondary modern
- A T school
What % of students went to secondary moderns?
What % of students went to T schools?
Only 5%
What was the issue with students going to T schools and to secondary moderns?
This created esteem issues for these students
What were some issues with the Butler act?
- Private schools still existed
- Created esteem issues for children who didn’t get into the grammar schools
- It set children on a certain path in life based on how intelligent they were at 11
What was the tripartite system?
The 3 types of schools which made up the Butler act:
- Secondary modern
- T schools
- Grammar schools
What was the Crosland circular (1963)?
It promoted greatly comprehensive schools to make education fairer
What happened in 1966 due to the Crosland circular?
There was restricted funding for LEA’s
Who were comprehensive schools popular with?
Unions and middle class parents
Who were comprehensive schools unpopular with and why?
Lower class parents - these parents saw grammar schools as a chance for their child to excel and aim for a well paid job if they came from a lower class background
By 1979 how many children were educated at comprehensive schools?
What was the Thomas Tallis school?
The first comprehensive school to benefit from the crosland circular
When was The Family Allowance act?
What did the 1945 Family Allowance act do?
Gave money to support those with children (child benefits)
What was the 1946 National Insurance act?
Provides support or ‘benefits’ in cases of sickness, unemployment, retirement, maternity, widows, guardians allowance for orphans and a grant for funeral expenses
What was the 1946 National Health Service act?
A major law that gave healthcare to all, paid for by taxes but free at the point of need
What did the 1946 National Health Service allow for?
The creation of the NHS in 1948
How was the 1946 National Insurance act funded?
Paid through taxes to the gov.
Who was the health minister in charge of the NHS when it opened in 1948
Nye Bevan
What was the Industrial Injuries act?
Provided cover for accidents that happened at work
What did nationalising the coal, steel, iron and rail industries do?
It prevented their collapse
By 1948 how many homes had been built?
125,000 ‘prefab’ homes built
By 1951 how many good quality council houses had been built?
1 million
By 1951, what fraction of homes were built by the state?
Was means testing still a key idea in welfare?
No, it was abolished during this time
How was education improved during this time?
- 900 primary schools were built (for baby boom)
- 250 secondary schools built
- Leaving age raised to 15
What changes did the Attlee gov. make?
- 1944 Education Act
- 1945 Family Allowance Act
- 1946 National Insurance Act
- 1946 National Health Service Act
- Industrial Injuries Act
- Nationalised coal + steel etc
- More housing
- Means-testing abolished
- Improved education
When was the Attlee gov. in power?
How did the public feel about eh changes which Attlee’s government made?
They were hugely popular with the public
What did the positive public attitudes about Attlee’s changes lead to?
The Conservatives 1947 charter, which accepted many of the consensus views
What was the Conservatives 1947 charter?
- Accepted the idea of a mixed economy
- Gave a commitment that the party would protect labour rights
- Stressed the need for fairness
- Opposed protectionism