General (T1) Flashcards
Which of these were not a reason for economic problems in the interwar years?
- Free trade
- Protectionism
- Legacy of WW1
Free trade
What happened between 1919 and 1920 to the British economy?
A short-lived post-war boom and then the economy went into recession
As a result of ROPA 1918, how did the franchise change in Britain?
Women over 27 could vote
Which political party dominated politics in the 1920s?
The conservatives
What was the purpose of the Geddes Axe?
To tackle the problem of spending so the debt from WW1 could be better financed
Who was boundary changes most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the unevenness of the FPTP system most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the Turkey/Chanak issue most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was money/backing from trade unions most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the independence of Ireland from Britain most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the falling Liberal support in the 1924 election most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the tactical support of free trade in 1922 most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the coupon election most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
C and A
Who was the attempt to form a centre party most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was DORA most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was plural voting most relevant to?
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was Stanley Baldwin’s leadership style most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was rebranding as one nation Tories most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the growing Labour support not happening evenly in constituencies across the country most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was Lloyd George’s continued mistakes after 1922 most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who had less fund than they had previously had:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the Knighthood Scandal most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was ROPA most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the loss of “ traditional” voter base most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Who was the Asquith miscalculation most relevant to:
A. decline of Liberal party
B. rise of labour
C. dominance of conservatives
Which one of these parties emerged as a political force in the interwar years?
- The Liberals
- Labour
- The conservatives
What did the Liberal party publish in 1926 that failed to make much of an impact with the voters of the country?
The yellow book
How long was the time between Ramsey Macdonald becoming PM and the Wall Street crash?
Less than a year
How many seats did the Conservatives win as part of the National Government in the election of 1931?
Who was the leader of the BUF in the 1930s?
Oswald Mosely
When was the battle of cable street?
Which of these prevented the CPGB from gaining more influence?
- The rise of fascism
- The general strike of 1926
- The existence of the Labour party and the growth of Trade Unionism
The existence of the Labour party and the growth of Trade Unionism
Who replaced Neville Chamberlain as PM in the National gov. in 1940?
Winston Churchill
What did the Emergency Powers Act of 1939/1940 allow the gov. to do?
- Take control of any property other than land for emergency purposes
- Introduce conscription
- Introduced rationing of food
How did Churchill’s time as PM affect the direction of economic policy in the country?
- The gov opened up ministries that had specific roles in economic management in order to support the war effort
- Rationing + conscription
- Gov controlled prices by controlling levels of production
- Set the economy to work along the lines of a wartime economy -
By 1945 what % of the population were involved in war work?
Who was Ernest Bevin?
Minister of labour from 1940 onwards (for the Tory gov)
Why was Ernest Bevin made minister of labour?
- Was a trade unionist himself (would have a “softer tough w the unionists”)
- Trade unionists disliked Churchill due to him actions in the 1910 Tonypandy riots
What were the 1910 Tonypandy riots?
Series of violent clashes between police and striking coal miners in South Wales
Churchill was home secretary at the time and allowed the British Army to be sent in to reinforce police
What happened to the power that workers had compared to the power of the gov in setting wage disputes during the war?
It went up as best illustrated by the Welsh Coal mine strike of 1944
What policy towards Hitler and Nazi Germany had been followed throughout the 1930s by the National gov?
What were the two big issues the national gov had to face in the 1930s?
- Rise of extremism, especially fascism
- “The economic blizzard” caused by the depression