Change in women's status over time (T3) Flashcards
When was ROPA and what did it allow for?
1918 - vote extended to women over the age of 30.
After ROPA (in 1928), what happened in 1928?
It extended to all women after various campaigners put pressure on MP’s
NUSEC organised demonstrations in Hyde Park in 1926 - 3000 attended
How much political advancement was there after ROPA?
It led to little political advancement.
- 1918 election only 17 women stood as candidate and only 1, Countess Constance Markievicz, won.
- high number of female MP’s was 15 in 1931.
Why did women’s groups become split over feminist issues?
This is because parties did not want to risk a female candidate in a safe-seat (reflects ingrained sexism and male bias in society).
Did women gain more jobs due to the war? Examples?
Yes, women gained more jobs due to war.
- Jobs in traditionally male work (replacing men fighting in war)
- Queen Elizabeth worked as a mechanic
- Percentage of women who worked as engineers, in transport or the chemical industry rose from 14% in 1939 to 33% in 1945.
How stable was the employment of women in WW2?
Some women were forced out of work after WW2, but changed was more permanent than WW1.
- 1951 1/4 of married women worked, 1971 1/2 did.
How skilled was women’s work?
More semi-skilled and unskilled working jobs due to shifts in the labour market - easier for women to work - 1965 60% of working women do unskilled jobs.
How was the women’s role in parliament?
Little representation in Parliament - 23 female MPs in 1974.
They were usually exceptionally talented due to having to overcome large opposition to get in Parliament.
- Margaret Thatcher
What did Barbara Castle introduce in 1970?
Equal Pay Act
What was involved for women in the Family Planning Act?
Eleanor Rathbone insured payments went to the mother.
What was involved in the NHS for women?
Free healthcare for women (who has previously been last in line for healthcare - 1911 Insurance Act insured workers but not their wives).
What was involved with the introduction in the pill in 1961 for women?
Made the contraceptive pill available for women on the NHS in 1967, 1 million users by 1967. It gave women better control and freedoms over sexual actions.
It also improved midwifery - death during birth fell from 1/1000 to 0.18/1000 in 1963.
What was involved in the 1946 National Insurance act for women?
1946 National Insurance Act classed non-working wives as ‘dependants’ - they could not claim unemployment benefit.
What was involved in the 1967 Abortions Act for women?
Women can access abortions - BUT debate focused on dangers of ‘backstreet abortions’ (caused 40 deaths in 1966) rather than women’s rights.
What was involved in the 1969 Divorce Reform Act for women?
Make divorce easier, no longer necessary to prove a ‘fault’ in the marriage, can divorce after 2 years due to ‘irreconcilable differences’, or 5 if only one party wants to divorce.
Did the rate of divorces change once the 1969 Divorce Act was legalised?
Rate of divorces increased from 3 to 1000 marriages in 1965 to 10 in 1000 marriages by 1967.
What were some womens liberal movements in the 70s which helped challenge social expectations of women and increased awareness of issues of domestic abuse and rape?
1970 - Germaine Greer ‘The female Eunuch’
1970 - 1st WLM conference
1970 - feminists flour bomb a miss world contest.