Effect of WW2 on British politics (T2) Flashcards
Who led Britain during WW2?
The National Government
How did WW2 prove that Consensus Politics was possible?
Ministers from rival political parties, had already been working together - they were still able to work under the pressures of WW2 which proved this worked
What was one major effect that WW2 had on Britain?
It set the stage for the post-war consensus in the years after WW2
What was the post-war consensus?
An era in British political history which lasted from the end of WW2 in 1945 to the election of Margaret Thatcher in 1979
How can the PWC be characterised?
- Keynesian economics
- A mixed economy
- Nationalisation of major industries
- The NHS
- Commitment to full employment
- A welfare state - Social security + national insurance
- Introduction of nuclear weapons
What were the mains ways which WW2 set the stage for consensus politics?
- Ministers could work together
- Success of collectivism
- War changed the role of the gov.
- Shift to mixed economy
How did the economy change during WW2?
It shifted from a mainly free-market economy to a more mixed one
What did the National gov. prove during WW2?
That the ministers from rival parties could work together and that a broad agreement on key policies could be reached
What is the success of collectivism in terms of consensus politics?
An approach where certain problems are tackled by taking away some rights for the common good
How did WW2 change the role of the government?
The state was forced to take more control - Emergency Powers Act of 1940
What changed the British economy from a free-market to a mixed economy?
- Rationing
- The Essential Work Order
- Conscription
- Censorship
Why were things like rationing introduced in WW2?
In a bid to engage Britain in total war
By 1945 how many Britons were on war-related work?
How did society change due to WW2?
It became more collectivist