Foundations of the Welfare State (T3) Flashcards
Who did Atlee appoint as Health Minister?
Aneurin Bevan
How is/was the NHS funded?
Through taxes, not insurance
How many times did the Conservatives vote against the creation of the NHS?
21 times
What did Bevan say about the Conservatives in a speech?
He said they were “lower than vermin”
In Feb 1948, how much of the BMA voted against the NHS?
When was the Beveridge report published?
What did the Beveridge report aim to tackle?
The five giants: Ignorance Squalor Idleness Disease Want
When was the Education (Butler) act?
What did the Butler act do?
Made education free
Brought in the 11+
Brought in the tripartite system
When was the Family allowances act?
What did the Family allowances act do?
It provided weekly payments for every child a mother had
By 1949, 88% of those eligible signed up for it
When was the National Insurance act?
What did the National Insurance act do?
Created a system to pay for pensions and unemployment benefits
Payments would be made by the employer, employee and govt.
When was the National Health service act?
What did the National Health service act do?
Brought the whole population into a scheme of free medical and hospital treatment
When was the Industrial Injuries act?
What did the industrial injuries act do?
Provided cover for accidents at work
When was the National Assistance act?
What did the National Assistance act do?
Set up boards to deal with poverty
It had no means testing –> popular
How many copies of the Beveridge report were sold?