Effect of WW2 on society (T2) Flashcards
How did WW2 overall affect the class divides in society?
It brought the social classes together through shared experience
Why did WW2 manage to break down class barriers in society?
No part of British society was sheltered from the reality of “total war” - therefore a greater sense of unity & equality among the population
Give one example of how no part of society was sheltered during WW2
When Buckingham Palace was hit by a bomb during the blitz
Queen Elizabeth (the current Queen’s mother) said “I can finally look the east end of London in the face”
What did Queen Elizabeth mean when she said “I can finally look the east end of London in the face”?
She felt there was a fairness in that her great & grand palace was having to share the reality that the poorer parts of her city faced nightly
How did evacuations from the city break down the class barriers in society?
Many children moved to the countryside - there was a greater degree of sympathy that developed for the poorer parts of the country
During WW2, where did the poorer parts of Britain tend to be?
The urban areas from which children were evacuated
What did the evacuation of children happen at the same time as?
The rebirth of respect for the working class
Why was there a re-born respect for the working class during WW2?
The sorts of industries which these people worked for were essential for the success of the war
How did WW2 affect traditional working class industries?
It restored these industries to full employment
How did the “resurrection” of traditional industries during WW2 affect consensus politics?
The full employment achieved was a guaranteed government policy in 1944 - this upheld part of consensus politics from 1945 onwards
How did WW2 overall affect women’s rights?
- More jobs due to the war
- Triggers aspirations beyond the home
- Change more permanent than WW1 - even though some women forced out of jobs after the war
How did jobs change for women due to WW2?
- Jobs in traditionally male work
- Princess Elizabeth worked as a car mechanic
How did the % of women working as engineers, in transport or the chemical industry change from 1939 to 1945?
1939 - 14%
1945 - 33%
Give an example during of WW2 triggering aspirations outside the home for women
1950 Manchester Guardian - 50% of housewives report being bored
What happened to women’s jobs when men came back from WW2?
Some women forced out of work - more permanent than WW1
How did the amount of married women working change between 1951 and 1971?
1951 - 1/4 of married women working
1971 - 1/2 did
What sort of jobs did women do after the war?
More semi-skilled and unskilled jobs - due to shifts in the Labour market
Easier for women to work
By 1965 what % of women did unskilled work?