General (T2) Flashcards
What was the name of the medical service set-up to deal with medical casualties during the Blitz?
The Emergency Medical Service.
What was the Report in 1942 that highlighted and made clear the substantial problems facing British society?
The Beveridge Report.
How did Churchill’s time as PM affect the direction of economic policy in the country?
- Gov. opened up ministries that had specific roles in economic management –> to support the war effort
- Rationing and conscription
- Gov. controlled prices by controlling the levels of production in all industries
- Set the economy to work along the lines of a wartime economy. By 1945, 1/3 of the population were involved in war work.
Who was Nye Bevan?
The man responsible for setting up the NHS.
What was the political rationale for making Ernest Bevin Minister of Labour?
- Trade Unionists disliked Churchill because of his actions in 1910 during the Tonypandy riots
- As a Trade Unionist himself, he would have a “softer touch with the Unions”
How did the 1920 Unemployment Insurance Act improve National Insurance?
- It prevented the need for people to rely on the “out of work” donation for unemployment benefit
- 2/3s of workers were eligible to claim insurance, previously, the 1911 Act had extended Insurance to only roughly ⅙ of workers in the country
What did the government do to limit the expense of National Insurance during the Interwar years?
Means testing, before this they found themselves borrowing from other funds (e.g. out of work donations) because the system was not self funding enough due to the economic problems of the 20s.
What was the particular importance of the 1934 Unemployment Act?
- The unemployment act separated the treatment of insurable from long-term employment.
- Part 1 of the act provided 26 weeks of benefit payments to the 14.5 million workers who had paid into the scheme.
- Part 2 created a national Unemployment Assistance Board (UAB) to help those with no entitlement to insurance benefits.
What happened in 1919 to do with Health?
The Ministry of Health was set-up in order to coordinate healthcare. At this point though there was no blueprint to drastically change healthcare provision.
When was the ministry of health set up?
What happened in 1929?
The Local Government Act put power into local areas to transform poor houses into hospitals and made local government accountable for providing good school based health and dentistry services.
When was the Local Government Act?
What happened 1939-1945?
The Emergency Medical Service put in place a blueprint for what a Nationalised Health Service would look like.
What happened in 1948?
The National Health Service opened its door for the first time
When was the NHS set up?
What happened during the 1960s?
By this decade, every major town/city in the country had an NHS hospital provider
By when did every major town/city in the country have an NHS hospital provider?
th 1960s
What happened during the 1970s to do with the NHS?
By this decade the spending of GDP on the NHS has grown astronomically compared to what was first envisioned.
Describe how the Butler Act was a significant moment in education reform. (12 points)
- Tripartite
- 11+
- Grammars State funded
- Social mobility
- Working class education
- Part of the change in deferential attitudes between classes
- Still unfair
- Began the debate around Comprehensives for all
- Did not challenge the existence of the private school system
- T schools never really built
- Secondary moderns
- Esteem issues
“To what extent did the National Government deal effectively with the challenges of the 1930s?” Give 3 points
Rise of extremism, breaking Britain with the Gold Standard once again
“How far was the legacy of World War One the main reason for the economic problems of the interwar years?”
Protectionism and re-attaching the pound to the gold standard, the legacy of World War One and the impact of the Depression on exports.
“To what extent was the dominance of the Conservative Party in interwar politics helped by the misfortunes of other Political Parties?”
Baldwin’s leadership/”politicking”, the decline of the Liberals and fears of communism created by strike action.
“How far was Trade Unionism the defining reason for the Labour Party’s growth in the interwar years?”
The ROPA, Trade Unionism and the decline of traditional industry.
“To what extent were the actions of David Lloyd George the defining reason for the decline of the Liberal Party in British politics?”
Maurice Debate, Coupon Election, 1922 Scandal and 1926 Yellow Book
“How was the Beveridge Report a turning point in Welfare Provision in Britain?”
The Five Giants, EMS, Local Government Act 1929, NHS, Butler Act
“How far was education in Britain better in the years from Butler onwards compared to previous?”
Hadow Reports, 1922 Education Act, Butler, Comprehensive Reform, Plowden
“To what extent was the Welfare provision of the years 1945 - 1979 markedly different to the years previously?”
Poor Houses, National Insurance, Industrial Injuries Act, the NHS