Weekly Quiz Flashcards
the main type of cell which produces CSF is
ependymal cell
The aqueduct of sylvius connects the
third and fourth ventricles
the fourth ventricle arises from the
Which of the following statements regarding cerebrospinal fluid is incorrect
Hydrocephalus is an under-production of cerebrospinal fluid
Swelling of the optic disc due to raised intracranial pressure is known as a
Which statement regarding the meninges is false
Arachnnoid matter adheres to the cortical surface
Broadmann areas 41 and 42 are important for what sensation
wernicke’s area includes the
Inferior parietal lobule and the superior temporal gyrus
This cortical area is involved in the control of visual attention and eye movements
frontal eye field
The fissure of Rolando separates the
The precentral gyrus from the posterior central gyrus
The primary visual cortex refers to the
Calcarine sulcus and adjacent gyri
The lateral wall of the third ventricle is formed by the
All of the following cranial nerves are exclusively motor nerves excluding:
The Edinger-Westphal Nucleus is located in the:
which of the following nuclei lie immediately inferior to the inferior cerebellar peduncles?
The sulcus basillaris (basilar sulcus) is present on the ventral surface of the
All of the following fibres are contained in the ventral part of the pons excluding
medial lemniscus
The interpeduncular fossa is the space between the two:
crus cerebri
Which statement concerning the mammillary bodies is false
The mammillary bodies assist with vision
the medulla oblongata becomes the spinal cord at
the foramen magnum
he spinal cord ends at what vertebral level in the fully grown adult
A spinal tap (lumbar puncture) is most safely administered between what two vertebrae
L4 and L5
all of the following are features of the grey matter of the spinal cord excluding:
Lateral funiculus
Which of the following statements concerning the cerebellum is incorrect
The cerebellum is located in the middle cranial fossa
This nerve originates from the brainstem anterior to the olives but posterior to the pyramids
Hypoglossal nerve
this cranial nerve is the only nerve to originate from the dorsal aspect of the brainstem
The tegmentum of the lower pons is the continuation of the medulla oblongata excluding the
Lesions of the spinal cord at spinal segment C5 will result in
Which of the following tracts descends in the anterior funiculus of the spinal cord?
proprioceptive, tactile and vibratory sensory information from the lower limbs is chiefly carried by
Gracile fasciculus
The sensation of pain, temperature, crude touch, and/or pressure to the viscera is known as
Conscious and unconscious position sense from joints, tendons and ligaments is known as
Fibres of the posterior column (medial lemniscal) pathway decussate at the:
lower medulla
2nd order neurons of the trigeminothalamic tract that carry sensory information related to fine touch and vibration originate in which brainstem nucleus
chief nucleus
an MRI shows a right hemisection of the spinal cord at C6. What is the expected result from injury?
Absent sensation to pain and temperature in the left hand
approximately what percentage of upper motor neurons decussate at the pyramids in the corticospinal tract
Which of the following is not an extrapyramidal tract
lateral corticospinal
A positive Babinski sign is usually a feature of
An upper motor neuron lesion
Akinesia refers to
an inability to initiate movement
Which of the following statements concerning the cerebrocerebellum is incorrect
The cerebrocerebellum receives inputs from the vestibular system
Neurons in the retina that are sensitive to light are known as
Which of the following statements concerning rods is incorrect
Rods consist of an outer, inner and cone segment
Blurred or a lack of vision in the central field is a symptom of what condition
macular degeneration
Fibres of the optic tract travel to which nuclei of the thalamus
Lateral geniculate nuclei
Fibres that project from the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus to the primary visual cortex are known as the
geniculocalcarine tract
A lesion to the optic chiasm is likely to result in which visual impairment
Bitemporal hemianopsia
the organ of corti is housed in the
scala media
The spiral ganglion contains the cell bodies of the
Primary afferents of the auditory pathway
Which of the following statements concerning the auditory pathway is incorrect
Fibres projecting from the dorsal cochlear nucleus relay information to the superior olivary nucleus
Which of the following is not a vestibular nuclei
Geniculate vestibular nucleus
which of the following cortices receives direct sensory input without an interposed thalamic connection?
Olfactory cortex
Which of the following statements concerning the olfactory cortex is incorrect
The olfactory cortex extends into the occipital lobe
Which of the following structures is not part of the hippocampal formation
The amygdala is connected to the hypothalamus via the
stria terminalis
The Papez Circuit can be represented by which pathway
Hippocampus → fornix → mammillary body → mammillothalamic fibres→ thalamus (anterior nucleus) → cingulum→ entorhinal cortex → hippocampal formation
Common symtoms of Wernicke’s aphasia include all of the following excluding:
Slow labored speech
Common symtoms of Broca’s aphasia include all of the following excluding:
Fluid non-sensical speech
Occlusion of which artery is likely to cause aphasia
Middle cerebral artery
Dysarthia is
A motor speech disorder caused by impaired control of the muscles responsible for speech
The hypoglossal nucleus is most clearly seen in a cross-section at what level of the brainstem
upper medulla
The thalamus forms the lateral wall of which anatomical structure
3rd Ventricle
The ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus (VPL) projects sensory information to the
post central gyrus
The pulvinar nuclei of the thalamus project efferent fibres to the:
Visual cortex and the association areas of the parietal and temporal cortices
Which statement concerning the anterior nuclei of the thalamus is true
The anterior nuclei of the thalamus receive afferent fibers from the mammillary bodies via the mammillothalamic tract
Which of the following is the prominent population of melanin-containing cells located immediately internal to the crus cerebri
Substantia nigra
the corpus striatum is composed of the
caudate and putamen
Corticospinal fibres travel through the
Posterior limb of the internal capsule
involuntary, erratic movements, which are often a result of damage to the basal ganglia is referred to as
Which of the following statements concerning the basal ganglia is incorrect
The internal capsule houses neuronal cell bodies
which of the following nuclei is not a nucleus of the thalamus
caudate nucleus
The peripheral nervous system consists of ____ pairs of spinal nerves
Which of the following statements concerning the parasympathetic nervous system is correct?
The parasympathetic nervous system can be referred to as the ‘rest and digest system’ due to its reducing action on heart rate and increase in intestinal and gland activity
Which of the following can be considered special visceral sensation
Preganglionic neurons lie within the
central nervous system
Defects in the autonomic nervous system will affect
viscerl organs
Which system is not regulated by a center in the medulla oblongata?
immune system
The left internal carotid artery and the left posterior cerebral artery are connected via the
left posterior communicating artery
The thalamus is supplied by which artery
Posterior cerebral artery
Ischaemia of the left middle cerebral artery will likely result in all of the following excluding
Left face and arm weakness
Blood of the inferior sagittal sinus drains firstly to the
straight sinus
regarding meningeal layers and spaces which is correct
subarachnoid space contains CSF
the middle cerebral artery is a continuation of the
internal carotid
the medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus is associated with
the motor nucleus of the facial nerve is in the
the peri-callosal artery is abranch of the
anterior cerebral artery
the manubriosternal joint is classified as
the manubriosternal junction corresponds to the level of the disc space between
T4 and T5
aoritc area for ausculation is where
At the 2nd intercostal space to the right of the sternum
interchondrial joint exist between the
8th, 9th, 10th ribs
in an interchostal space, where can the neurovascular bundle be found
Between internal and innermost intercostal muscles
the peripheral diaphragmatic pleura is supplied by the
lower intercostal nerves?
pulmonary nodes drain directly to the
bronchopulmonary nodes
the hilum of the lung lies at which level of costal cartilage
3nd, 3rd, 4th
at the hilum of the lung the phrenic artery runs
the lower lobe of right lung contains how many segments
the cartilaginous ridge at the bifurcation of the trachea is termed the
the carina
which of the following does not leave an impression on the right lung
brachiocephalic trunk
costochondrial joints are
primary cartilaginous
intercostal arteries are found
superior to the nerve
right crus of the diaphragm encircles the
which of the floowing does not happen during inspiration
diaphragm moves up
which of the floowing does not happen during inspiration
diaphragm moves up
contents of the lung roots contain all the
pulmonary plexus
in a thoracocentesis performed in the midaxillary line the needle would not pierce
Transversus thoracis
the upper lobe of left lung has how many segments
accumulation of blood in the pleural cavity is called