Week 3- Diagnostic Skills Westra Flashcards
Rotor cuff muscle
SITS supraspinatus infraspinatus teres minor subscapularis
Hawkin’s impingement
rotator cuff disorder
90 degrees at elbow, choo, choo to a football block
large rotator cuff tear, arms drop uncontrollably
supraspinatus, empty soup cans, and they resist you up
hand behind back, and push against
External rotaton
cross-body adduction
acrimioclavicular joint osteoarthritis or chronic sprain
Apprehsion/ Relocation
glenohumeral instability,
extend upper extremity
Anterior elbow pain
biceps tendinopathy
repeated elbow flexion, forearm supination or pronation.
the hook test
examiner hooks biceps tendon, confirm an intact tendon and may assist in localizing pain
Medial elbow pain
medial epicondylitis
less common
golfers elbow
usually ulnar collateral ligament injury
moving valgus stress test
diagnosing ulnar collateral ligament injuries
Positive- pain between 70-120 degrees of flexion
cubital tunnel syndrome
compressive or traction neuropathy of ulnar nerve at the elbow
positive Tinel sign
gentle tapping over superficial nerve (like the ulnar), tingling and numbness is positive
lateral elbow pain
lateral epicondylitis
tennis elbow
pain, decreased strength with resisted gripping, and with wrist supination and extension are often present.
Extension of the middle finger test against resistance, feel pain at the lateral epicondyle
Most common wrist fracture?
scaphoid fracture
fall on outstretched hand
snuff box tenderness
ulnar neruopathy
wrist pain and numbness and tingling
no trauma
painful wrist extension
sensory changes in the 4th and 5th digist
Positive TInel sign on percussion of the ulnar nerve over the guyon canal
de quervain tenosynovitis
inflammation of extensor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis longue
limited thumb motion (extension and abduction)