Volume 2 Flashcards
Who authorizes permission for the use of department facilities?
Admin Office
How SHALL employee admin details secure approval and what SHALL it contain?
Weekly: Letterhead, duplicate to Admin Office (1), returned -approved or disapproved
Notfiy Bureau ASAP
Daily: Not scheuleced in advance
By Telephone, spervisor notify Bureau ASAP
Name and assigment of member(s)
Particualars of meeting (dates and times)
Exact Admin Detail time requested
Who gives consent to officers and representatives of offically approved organizations to discuss employee matters?
Immediate Supervior
SHALL not enter without the consent
Conducted on their off-duty time
Not to exceed reasonable limits or not interfere with city busniess or safety/security requirements
What shal the department provide for posting organization bulletins or bullentin boards?
Reasonable amount of space at job locations or space
May post in space or distribute material as long as it is not disruptive of effective operations
What is a grievance defined as?
Dispute concerning interpreatation or application of a. Wrriteen Memorandum of Understanding or of departmental rules/regs governing personnel preactices and working conditons
What SHALL a memeber refer to when electing to file a grievance?
Memorandum of Understanding for their representation unit
Explains in detail how it shoukd be filed or processed
Which Administrative Bulletin and Volume do you refer to with the procedure for filing a grievance?
Admin Bulletin #7 Volume 5 F-226-A Report of informal grieavance discussion F-226-B Statement of grievance formal F-226-C Reply to statement of grievance
Who has the right to represent themselves or be represented by a respresentative of their choice?
Any Member
Grievance Info:
-Grievant and chosen=reasonable amount of paid time off to process a grievance
-Recieve paid time off, representative same union as the grievant and must be designated grievance representative
-Grievent selects on duty member? Immediate superviosr must notify lowest ranking officer who has authority over both
Officer shall arrange for their time off
What SHALL tranfers not bear?
No departmentl reflection on requestiing employee or supervior
Normally how long will a member who requests a tranfer remain at that assignment?
8 months
How are vacancies filled on, and after those are considered, how will it be filled?
Need for special quals for the department
Personal development
To improve performance and effecrtiveness
Filled on seniority:
Department Time
Which spots are considered primary vacancaies
- Promotions
- Death
- Retirement
- Separation
- Transfer of Medci to Fire Suppression Training
Where will all primary vacanies be published at?
Will be published to all work locations
What will be considered before filling?
All current requests for transfer (F-18A)
If current F-18A on file, forwarding a F-18B not necessary
What is the requirement for a Mutual Transfer?
Memeber of equal rank and pay grade
Where does a copy of tranfer request get returned too?
To the requesting employee
What is the process for denying a tranfer?
Fill out a F-225, make a duplicate and sent to Bureau
Who makes the tranfer selection?
By Bureau commander, no sooner than 10 days after published
How shall the tranfers be published?
By special notice over teletype
On the offical business board under “Primary Vacancies Filled”, how long are they to be posted?
5 days
Who is the tranfer request submited too?
To members regular supervisor when possible
What does the recieving officer do with the tranfer request?
- Make Journal entry (Date and time of request)
- Regualr superviosr, encouraged to submit comments to bureau upon return to duty
What is the routine request for tranfer?
It may be requested by members on Form F-18A or F-18B
Upon transfer, how will the on-duty commanding officer at the memebrs palce of assignemt be notified?
Either Verbally through channels or by information notice message via the lafd portal
Notification shall be journalized
When SHALL the transfer date be made effective?
0800 Hours
Sunday that commences a pay period
When will personnell attedning paramedic training be transferred too?
Division 243
Platoon Duty
Where does paramedics in training timekeeping and other records be sent too?
In-Service Training, along with F-18
Upon completion of the didactc and clinicla portions of training, where shall the member be detailed too?
Ambukance as third person for internship, Records will retain at In-Service Training
Where may a memeber be transferred to upon field intership as a medic?
Paramedic assignment
- Initiated by In -Service Training at direction of Bureau (EMS or Fire Suppression)
- Records forwarded to new assignement
When does a member ending service have to sign a form at Personnel Services Section?
An application for pension,
Leave, or
Resignation is made
How far in advance should members planning to apply for service pension contact Personnel Services Section?
30 days in advance of their Intended retirement date
Request copy of service pension application procedure
What does the service pension application procedure describe?
-Steps each memeber must accomplish
-Offices must visit
-Required processing of records
-Time involved in receiving first check
Reference Admin Bulletion #23
Who are service pins issued too?
Issued to uniformed personnel at time of retirement
- 5 year increment of City Service
- Other department service will be included
Who are the Service Pins issued by?
Personnel Services Section
Who should you contact to obtain Service Pin, Record Book and Certificate if you are coordinating retirement dinners or similar events for retireers?
Relief Association
Who conducts the exit interview if a member enters an application for retirement and desired by the employee?
Highest ranking officer in the chain of command (subordinate to the Fire Chief)
When is it particurlarly important to recieve an exit interview?
Training Academy Recruits
Firefighters on Probation
Members with 5 years or less
Who shoud the BC or Recruit Training Section Commander contact when a memeber with less than 5 years leaves the City Service?
Training Division
Interview conducted as soon as practical
Who should members call if they desire information relative to their own tenure of office, Civil Service status, data affecting the offical roster, information relative to assignment, residence address or phone number?
Personnel Services Section
Members after hired after what year and date shall remain non smokers and the use of tobacco?
July 1st 1987
Who should a member desiring counseling or assistance with personal problem contact?
Any Chief Officer through the channels
May contact directly if want to be kept confidential
What alternative method are offered for seeking personal counseling?
Stress Management Program
Employee Assistance Program
Is there a residency requirement?
No longer requirement for new hires
What will Personnel Services Section provide to a complainant if a credit complaint is received against a member?
Credit Information Request
What is needed to request a name change?
F-8 Roster Change and Copy of Social bearing new name
Submit copy of social to Personnel Services Directly
Will not forward anyt requests to the Office of the Controller until both documents received
How much can members receive during extreme financial hardshi through the Relief?
$2,000 per occurrence
Weapons on City Property:
SHALL not use, possession or control, on or off duty, on City property
- Instruments or weapons
- Ammunition or firearms
- Restraining device
Not on person, under control, vehicle, locker, other place within City property
Doesnt apply to Arson
Members assigned to special duty are granted reasonable time off with pay for promotional exams when schedued during mormal working periods. Who shall they give reasonable advance notice too and what else shall it include?
Notice to supervisor
Include travel time
Which telephone number should be given to any financial or other transactions that require verification of employment?
Fire Department Personnel Services Section]
- Not to be completed by station commanders or supervisors
- Shall forward to Personnel Services Section
Who should a member notify andn how when a check has been lost?
Accounting Services Section by telephone
No later than morning of the next business working day
Also send letterhead to Accounting, 1 copy, explaining the circumstances
What should a member do if they are arrested or have knowledge they have been named as a suspect or principal crime report?
Immediately notify on-duty supervisor of place of assigment or on duty chief officer
Info shall remain confidential
When forwarding a wrttine notification (F-223 Red Letterhead or email) directly to the Commander of PSD, what shall it include?
- Name and rank
- Assignment
- Arresting agency or reporting agency
- Date, Time and location of occurrence
- Nature of offense
- Date, Time and name of superviosr notified
When a supervisor is formally notified, who shal they notify?
Either by online or telephone
PSD responsible for investigating all off duty misconduct
What should a female member do if she suspects she may be pregnant?
Immediately consut private physician
When a pregnancy is confirmed, who should the member immediatly inform?
Commanding officer
When the commanding officer recieves information for a pregant employee, what are the proper notifications to take via telephone?
Medical Liasion, Directly
Bureau Commander, through channels
Shall submitt F-225, through channels, to Fire Chief
Include: First report diagnosis attached with F-225 Verify pregnancy Request assignment to light duty 1 copy
Where does the approved F-225 get forwarded to for a pregnant female employee/
Medical Liasion Unit
If a member joins the military reserve what shall they submit?
Submit letterhead report, through channels to members bureau commander to be forwarded to PSD witin 30 days
2 copies
Resever Organization
Resever Status
If ready reserve, anticipated period of association
Jury Duty:
- Pay provided with time off
- On-Call, does not recieve pay unless they appear in court
- Jury fees shall be paid to City uness time is members day off
- Mileage fee retained by member
What are the documents needed to be sent over to payroll after completion of Jury Duty
- Summons
- Check made payable to City of Los Angeles
- Verification of attendance
How many days can a member postpone a Jury Duty?
- 60 to 90 days-personal inconvenience
- New Juror may postpone 180 days from original summons
- Extreme situations, up to one year
Who is responsible for writing and signing the excuse letter?
The Employee
For a Non Duty related court appearance, when served with a subpoena, will you be granted time off with pay and how far is the court allowed to be?
- Granted time off with pay
- Court within 150 miles of employees residence
When a subpoena is recieved by the Arson Section, who will it be forwarded to next?
Concerned members’ Bureau Commander
Who SHALL notify the member of a subpoena?
Bureau Office
A member Shall arrange for their own time off for court appearances that are what?
Not Duty connected
What Shall the member recieve for off duty appearances when they are duty connected or the City or Department is a party in the lawsuit?
Ordiance Overtime (Time and one half)
What form is required for ordinance overtime and what do you write it at?
Name Date Time Case Number In station Journal
What type of dress do you wear when the City is a party to a proceeding?
Dress Uniform
Fire Prevention: uniform specified for their assignment
What do you wear when you appear in court to testify as a FF in a case where the City is not a party?
Civilian clothes (business suit or sport coat and dress slacks, tie and dress shirt)
Which members are exempt from maintaining a Class B License?
Full Time Helicopter Pilots
Fireboat Pilots
Fireboat Mates
Ason Investigators
If a member believes it is not necessary to have a Class B license what can they do?
Submit F-225 through channels
Reason for exemption
If a members duties require them to drive a tractor transport or heavy rescue what must they maintain?
Valid Class A License
If members duties require them to drive Mass Casualty Unit what shall they maintain?
Non commercial class A firefighter restricted license or Commercial class A license
Class A or B license need to have DL-51 or DL-546 and obtain which endorsements when obtaining or renewing their license?
Air Brakes
Tank Vehicle
Hazardous Materials
Exception: BC maintain Class B with Tanks (N)