TB 4 - Gas Tank Truck/Trailer Rollover Flashcards
How many gallons of gasoline and diesel does California consumer everyday?
43 million gallons of gas
8 million gallons of diesel
Tank trucks transport approximately how much percentage of all fuels by vehicles?
Tank trucks feed a distribution network of over how many retail service stations?
Because fuel products are inherently hazardous, transportation is strictly regulated nationally by who?
DOT thru the national highway traffic safety administration, bureau of carrier safety and office of hazardous materials
The state of California imposes it’s own regulations on tank trucks and required periodic inspections by who?
The LAFD regulates flammable and combustible liquid tank trucks in what division of the fire code?
Division 38
Primary considerations of emergency responders shall be what 3 things for fuel tanker incident?
The operation of internal and/or external valves can result in what?
Inadvertent opening of vapor vents, potentially causing a larger spill
The trucks we all recognize as gasoline tankers are officially classified by who?
Federal motor carrier standards
The classification MC306 are for trucks/tanks built from what years?
The classification DOT406 are for trucks/tanks built from what years?
9/1/93 - present
All trucks/tankers are designed to carry what 4 types of liquids?
Flammable liquid
Combustible liquid
Class B poisons
Liquid food vapor less than 3 psi
Single tank trucks with 2 axles can carry how many gallons of fuel?
3,000 gallons
Single tank trucks with 3 axles can carry how many gallons of fuel?
5,000 gallons
Tank tractor with a semi trailer connected together by a fifth wheel can carry how many gallons for one tank being approximately 40 feet long?
9,000 gallons
Tank truck pulling a 2 axle trailer, each truck and trailer is approximately how many feet long?
20 feet
Tank truck pulling a 2 axle trailer, the capacity of the truck tank is how many gallons and the capacity of the trailer tank is how many gallons for a total of 9,000 gallons?
Truck is 4200 gallons
Trailer is 4800 gallons
Most tanks are made out of what metal?
The tank wall is thickest at the bottom which is how many inches, and gradually gets thinner as you progress?
Tanks are designed to carry liquid load only in what position?
Tanks usually have 2-4 compartments with what bulkheads separating the compartments?
Single bulkhead
What bulkheads are required when carrying flammable products with different flash points in the same tank such as diesel and gas?
Double bulkheads
The space between the bulkheads contains what designed to indicate a leak in one or both bulkheads?
Leak indicator hole
If the leak indicator hole is illegally plugged, the void space could contain up to how many gallons of product?
200 gallons
What are installed in the compartments primarily for strength and do very little to reduce surge of product?
If product is suspected in the void space, who will drill if necessary and pump out the compartment?
Hazmat Taskforce
Where is longitudinal roll over protection located on the tank?
Top of tank
Where are plumbing and valves for off loading product of tank located?
Under tank
Where is the vapor recovery plumbing located on most tanks?
Right rear of tank
Where are the manhole assemblies and vapor recovery valves located for each compartment?
Top of the truck
Each compartment will have what above the product to allow for expansion?
Vapor space
The vents on top of the tank are protected by a reinforced rail that runs the length of the top of the tanks to protect from damage in the even of an accident, particularly what?
The internal valves for offloading and vapor recovery default to what position, open or closed?
Opening a valve is accomplished by overcoming heavy spring pressure utilizing what 3 types of power?
As a safety design, any interruption in applying air, hydraulic or mechanical power to open valves, will result in what?
Valve closing
Emergency shutdown may also be accomplished by activation of the emergency switches located in what 2 areas?
Left front corner
Main panel on right side
All external piping is constructed with built in what?
Shear points
The individual compartments of these large capacity trucks are generally either what and are not designed to deliver partial loads?
Full or empty
Before any fuel is delivered, the driver will verify the receiving tank has the available capacity to accept entire contents of specified compartment to minimize spills due to what?
What tank vehicles are designed to make small deliveries to multiple locations such as aircraft fueling and are easily identifiable by their pumps hose reels and meters?
Smaller single tank vehicles
The best way to determine the amount of product left in the smaller single tank vehicles is by what 2 things ?
Gather info from driver
Shippers manifest
What 3 types of equipment should be worn during a gasoline tanker with no leak and the container integrity examination?
Full PPE, SCBA, combustible gas indicator
Construction and design features allow for early tank failure at relatively low temps with pressure relief devices designed to maintain what psi? (BLEVE should not be a consideration)
3-5 psi
For gasoline tank incidents with leak and no fire, eliminate potential ignition sources a minimum of how many feet from spill?
100 feet
Use the combustible gas indicator to verify atmosphere around battery terminal or battery shut off switch is below what LEL before disconnecting or disabling?
10% LEL
To contain run off, affected area surrounding the tank shall be covered in what?
Who plans for appropriate amount of foam for tank spill?
For tire fires you should use a minimum of what size hose line and gpm?
1 1/2” with 125 gpm
Fires involving large quantities of hydrocarbon products are very dynamic and generally overwhelm the capabilities of the first arriving what?
Fire units
You should not use plain water on fires involving fuel tankers unless it is to perform what?
A rescue
What action (mode) should initially be taken for gasoline spill in storm drains by first responders to prevent product from entering storm drains?
If product enters subterranean levels such as vaults and storm drains who gets contacted?
Appropriate agencies for mitigation and recovery efforts
What type of attack is employed when there is an immediate life hazard and/or there is enough personnel, apparatus, equipment and foam on scene to extinguish fire?
Offensive attack
Never direct cooling stream into flames or cargo tank this will cause the burning fuel to what?
Overflow and spread fire
What type of foam should be used on tanker fires?
Alcohol resistant aqueous film forming foam (AR-AFFF)
You should plan for how long of a supply of concentrate for suppression operations and an extra how many minute supply of concentrate for foam blanket maintenance?
15 minutes for both
LAFD foam tenders carry how many gallons of class B foam?
1000 gallons
Aluminum tanks will melt at about what degree and the exposed fuel will burn at the liquid level?
1200 degrees
If the fuel that is burning is 4 feet deep in a tank you can expect it to burn for about how many hours before it burns itself out?
4 hours
When a defensive attack is employed the idea is to let the fire do what?
Burn itself out
Gross weight of the vehicle, tank and product can be as much as how many pounds?
80,000 pounds
A tractor and semi trailer generally overturn together or independently?
Two axle tank trailers generally overturn together or independent of tank truck?
To upright a tank, a through determination of integrity of tank cannot be made until off loading and upright, how many 20-ton commercial towing wreckers are required for all uprighting operations?
Who will always be on scene during offloading operation which may be required before tow?
Hazmat taskforce
For offloading if product from tanker, a hazmat taskforce will drill how large of a hole with a pneumatic drill to allow tube or stinger from vacuum truck to be inserted into fuel compartments?
4” hole
How many vacuum trucks will be needed for any incident involving a spill, leak or tank rollover?
1 or more
Vacuum trucks are available in multiple sizes but what 2 capacities are available for most hazmat waste haulers?
2,500 and 5,000 gallons
Vacuum trucks should be ordered early in incident because it is not uncommon to have how long of a wait between when trucks are requested and arrive?
1-2 hour wait
Vacuum trucks can hold approximately what percentage of their rated capacity depending on product weight and required vapor space?
90% (5,000 gallon truck can hold 4,500 gallons)
Vacuum trucks are classified by 3 cleanliness standards what are they?
Super clean
What does a dirty vacuum tank mean?
Tank is empty but has not been cleaned
What does a clean vacuum tank mean?
Tank is empty and has been washed out with water, has traces of water and product from previous load
What does a super clean vacuum tank mean?
Tanks has been chemically cleaned and is free of product
What type of vacuum truck should be requested?
“Clean”, super clean is unnecessarily expensive
When requesting a vacuum truck, request extra vacuum and vapor recovery hose, 50 feet each of what size diameter hose?
1 1/2”
Modern vacuum trucks are equipped with a vapor recovery system to comply with what regulations?
The vapor recovery system will require how much more hose as in operations not capturing vapors?
Twice as much
If there is no container available, you must use the exhaust hose method (dammed fuel), vapors are directed a minimum of how many feet downwind and downhill from any ignition source?
50 feet
Exhausting concentrated gasoline vapors that are how many times heavier than air will create an explosion hazard?
3-4 times heavier