Volume 1 Flashcards
What is a composite of permanent policies and procedures established by the Fire Chief?
Manual of Operations
Who SHALL conform to these policies, procedures, and directives in the application of their respective duties?
The contain of the Manual of Operation SHALL supersede any conflicting information contained in other Dept publications except what?
The Rules and Regulations or pending amendments resulting from directives issued in a Weekly Bulletin or Special Notice
How many volumes does the Manual of Operations consist of?
6 Volumes
How are the volumes broken down into?
Volumes- One or more “categories’- divided into chapters; chapters further divided into sections and sub-sections
Which system provides a quick reference to material, affords an easy means of citing specific subjects and maintains the flexibility of format necessary to facilitate expansion and revision of the content?
Numbering System
How do you read out this typical reference?
Category 2
Chapter 3
Section 60
Sub-Section 14
Read as “ two, three, sixty point fourteen”
What does it mean when there is a “R” preceding the number?
Denoting that it is reference material
How do you read out a typical page title?
“Emergency Operation/Large Scale”
- Words to the left of the diagonal line indicate category
- Words to the right of the diagonal line indicate chapter within category
If a member recognize material in the Manual of Operation needs some revision, who do they report that to and how?
-Should report necessary information to Planning Section by F-41
-Utilizing “send a comment” icon on navigation tool
Where will you see the revisions and additions to the Manual of Operations that are issued?
Immediately found in the Manual of Operations and tracked under “Recent Changes” icon
When will revisions to Department Manual of Operations be done through the Portal Site?
On a continuous basis as the need arises
What is the Mission Statement?
To preserve life and property, promote public safety, and foster economic growth through leadership, management and actions, as an all-risk life safety response provider
What is the focus of the department?
- Focus its efforts on responding rapidly to emergencies
- Providing appropriate intervention
- Providing community education
What are the Core Values?
Service Professionalism Integrity Respect Innovation Trust
What is our Service Statement to Residents?
We owe the residents of LA the highest quality of service possible, characterized by responsiveness, integrity and professionalism. We will continually strive for quality improvement
What is our Service Statement to the Fire Department?
We owe the FD our full commitment and dedication. We will always look beyond the traditional scope of our individual positions to promote teamwork and organizational effectiveness
What is our Service Statement to Each Other?
We owe each other a working environment characterized by trust and respect for the individual, fostering open and honest communication at all levels.
What is our Service Statement to Ourselves?
We owe ourselves personal and professional growth, We will seek new knowledge and greater challenges, and strive to remain on the leading edge of our professions.
How many Department Goals are there? What are they?
4 Goals:
- Develop an organization to effectively administer and manage the resources of the Department
- Develop a system for minimizing the impact f disasters and “other” emergencies on life and property
- Provide an effective Emergency Medical Services System
- Provide an effective Fire Prevention and Public Safety System
What are the two major objectives of the LAFD?
A. Control and extinguish fires, rescue trapped victims, mitigate the impact of all natural disasters, mitigate hazardous materials and terrorist incidents, provide basic and advanced medical life support intervention and transportation to the appropriate medical facility, enforce all laws relating to the prevention or spread of fires, and remove that which is liable to cause such fires
B. Provide public education in disaster preparedness and work with other agencies in planning for terrorism and disaster mitigation
How are the two majors objectives accomplished?
Accomplished through the efforts of the Board of Fire Commissioners, Fire Chief, all Bureaus, Battalions, Companies, Sections and Units of the Department
How many Board of Commissioners are there and how long do they serve?
- 5 civilian members, appointed for 5 year terms
- “Head of the Department”
- Appointments & Removal: made by Mayor subject to majority vote of the council
- Each is an officer of the City and must be a qualified elector of the City
How long is the terms for the President and Vice-President of the Board, and who elect’s them and when?
- Elected for 1 year term
- By Board members
- During last scheduled Fire Commission meeting in July
How are the Boards powers exercised?
-By order or resolution
-First Adopt proposal by majority vote of members
-Recorded in the minutes with “ayes” and “noes” included
-Attested to by:
signature of the President or,
Vice-president or,
Two members of the Board and by the Commission Secretary
What are the Board of Commissioners responsibilities?
“Head of the Department” has power to:
- Supervise, control, regulate and manage the department and to make and enforce all necessary and desirable rules and regulations
- Establish a schedule of fees for training, equip, and facility rental and tuition for training of members of outside agencies
- Appoint. Commission Secretary and Chief Accounting Employee
- Hold public meeting in public office at least TWICE a month
Duties and responsibilities of the Commission Secretary:
Performed by Commission Executive II assigned to Board Office, in Room 1840 of City Hall East
- Keep official public records of proceedings and transactions of Board
- Post and publish all orders, resolutions and notices as directed by Board
- Administer oaths and affirmations in proceedings pending before the Board
- Prepare and post the agenda for the Board Meeting
- Record the minutes of the meetings
- Perform such other duties imposed by Board
- Review incoming reports and makes recommendations to Board
- Supervise a Commission Executive Assistant I
What is the Chief Accounting Employee and what are their roles and responsibilities?
Is a departmental Chief Accountant II; appointed by the Board, responsible to the Board
-Requires that no money SHALL be drawn from any fund of the FD except upon warrant authenticated by the Chief Accounting Employee
What is the a Equal Employment Opportunity Director, and what are their roles and responsibilities?
EEO Director-Senior Personnel Analyst II (appointed by and responsible to Board)
- Works with F.C. to achieve organizational support for the equal opportunity and inclusion at all levels in the FD
- Heightens awareness of equity issues and assists in supporting equal employment opportunity
- Monitors the review of a variety of matters dealing with discrimination, sexual harassment and the work environment
- Monitors recruitment, hiring and promotion practices for civilian and uniformed personnel to ensure the strategies promote equal employment opportunity
- Monitors the progress of EEO projects
- Works on policy matters that require research and analysis, recommendations or other actions
What is the Independent Assessor and roles and responsibilities?
Appointed by and responsible to the Board of Fire Commissioners
-Shall have same access to FD Info as Fire Commissioners
Shall have the power and duty to:
- Under rules by Commissioner, audit, assess and review the FD handling of complaints of misconduct committed by employees, sworn or civilian of the FD
- Conduct any audit or assessment requested by majority vote of the Board
- Initiate any assessment or audit of the FD or any portion of the FD with prior notice to the Commissioners
- Keep board informed of pending assessments and audits
- Appoint, discharge, discipline, transfer and issue instructions to employees under their direction
What does a Management Analyst do?
- Conduct research and fiscal analysis audits and assessments performed by the Independent Assessor
- Prepares docs of reports and records for all pending assessments and audits
- Coordinates all audits and assessments with Commissioners
What is the Fire Chief and what is their roles and responsibilities?
Is Chief Administrative Officer of the FD
Powers and duties enumerated in Charter Section 522
Responsible for administering FD in accordance with Article V of the City Charter
Power and Duty to:
- Appoint, discharge, suspend, transfer or issue instructions to members (other than Secretary of Board and Chief Accounting Employee)
- Expend the funds
- Recommend Annual Departmental Budget of anticipation revenues and expenditures of dept
- Certify Expenditures
- File with Board at least ONCE a month. Writhe report on activities of the Dept
- Exercise further powers conferred by the board
What is the Chief of Staff and their responsibilities?
Assistant Chief (regular business hours) Serve as Executive Assistant to FC
-Exercise FC delegated authority to direct and coordinate preparation, through bureau channels, of technical inter-bureau projects and staff studies
-Participate on executive level as member at command conferences for purpose of determination and evaluation of facts, and exchange info of actions, problem solutions and policy
-Developing policies and directives
Preparing reports and correspondence pertinent to dept ops and procedures
-coordinate in-depth studies and research to assist FC in planning and achieving of short and long range goals
-Reviewing and approving of routine reports
Who is in charge of the planning section and responsibilities?
Battalion Chief-Section Commander (regular business hours)
Supervise and direct activities in this section
- Assigning and coordinating research and planning studies
- Reviewing and analyzing completed plans and staff studies and incorporating recommendations
- Assisting in making goals and objectives
- Performing duties or special projects
- Supervising the revision and updating Dept manuals
- Responding to major emergencies when call as IMT
- Represent FC at city council committees and various governmental meetings
- Participating in staff conferences as member of FC staff
What are part of the Planning Section Personnel and their duties?
Captains (Regular Business Hours)
- Conducting in depth studies of Dept objectives
- Reviewing specific problems and providing advance planning studies
- Conducting interviews and making observations in filed and administrative activities
- Facilitating and coordinating automatic aid and mutual aid agreements with other fire agencies
- Revising and updating Dept manuals
- Providing liaison officer for City’s LA STAT program
- Provide inter-agency liaison officers to other City and County Departments representing FC
- Responding to major emergency incidents or FD headquarters as a member of FC
In regards to the Intranet, the commanding officers and supervisors SHALL ensure the following take place daily:
- Access Intranet, review new material
- Messages of discussion valuable to each command SHALL be printed for review at daily line-up
- Access Intranet continuously through daily, current knowledge
- All messages considered URGENT, may be sent through Teletype in addition
Which members will maintain information posted to the Intranet and placed in the Library?
- Admin Services Bureau
- Management Information Section
- Planning Section
Hard copy material shall or shall not be removed from work locations without supervisory approval?
Shall Not
Responsible officers and supervisors ___ cause hard copy books and pamphlets to be kept up to date and available to members?
Who established the Rules and Regulations?
By the Board of Fire Commissioners
What do the Manual of Operations set?
Set forth policies and procedures o the Dept as directed by Fire Chief
Reference Material published by the LAFD is intended to explain what?
Explain the “why” of procedures established in Manual of Operation
Which books need to be carried on apparatus?
- CNG Field Service Guide
- Metro Rail Inventory System Manual
- Field Operations Book
- EMS Field Manual
How long do you retain the NFPA Journal?
Retain 3 years from publication date
How long do you keep the Fire Service Magazines?
Retain 1 year from publication date
How long do you keep the EMS Magazines?
Retain one year from publication date
When do you replace the National Fire Code?
Retain until replaced with revised edition
How long do you retain Misc. sample bulletins, posters and leaflets?
Screened by officers and retain as long as valuable
When receiving request or renewal of subscriptions, the commanders of department subdivisions SHALL forward such requests to who?
Admin Services Bureau
Prior to Dept-wide inspections, who is responsible to check the library for its conditions and completeness? Who will observe the condition and completeness of the records?
Officers SHALL
Chief Officers
Which material needs to be inspected?
Only hard copy materials that are an official component of the library &
Are not published electronically on the LAFD Intranet
How SHALL the department manuals be identified?
SHALL be identified on:
- the inside of the front cover by the application of a gummed label
- Department subdivision’s title printed in ink
In the event that hard copy material has been lost, what form shall the supervisor forward through the channels requesting a replacement?
How many types of Notices are there? And what are they?
3 types:
- Special Notice
- Official Notice
- Unofficial Notice
What is a Special Order, its content and action required?
- Directive issued by the Fire Chief
- Contain policy, directives or procedures, or initial distribution of material to be included in Manual of Operation
- Distributed via Intranet
- Filed in Vol 1, 0/7-00.00
- Generated and updated annually by planning section
Which type of notice MAY form the basis for promotional exam test questions once the information has been included in the Library?
Special Notices
Who issues the Special Notice and what do they announce?
- Issued by Admin Office
- Announce addition, modification or deletion of material in library
- Updated info included as attachment
How long do you retain Special Notices?
Forever; provide historical journal of changes to Library
Official Notice:
- Issued by authoritative Department source
- provides guidance and instruction of members
- directly impacts operations or provides info on official dept activities/ DOES NOT affect Library
- Such importance, delivered by Teletype
- 4 bells
- SHALL be retained: usefulness has passed
Unofficial Notices:
- Notices of events, classes or activities open to all members
- Not officially sanctioned by the Dept
- SHALL NOT posted more than 90 days prior to date of event or until day after event occurs, whichever occurs first
- Everything in text formal only
- Offensive? Contact Admin Office
- Wishing to post- contact operations office, community liaison office or planing section
How many types of Bulletins are there?
4 types
- Items of temporary usefulness
- Informative in nature
- Some background to manual changes and orders
- Included reference material of the Library
Administrative Bulletin:
Issued to members by Admin Office
SHALL be retained until cancelled
Departmental Bulletin:
- Originate from any Bureau, routed through and approved by EOPs and Admin Ops Office
- SHALL be retained until cancelled
Safety Bulletin:
- Setting forth recommended safe practiced pertaining to various subjects
- Filed in Book 75 (Accident Prevention and Safety Manual)
- Retain until cancelled
Training Bulletin:
- Issued by In-Service Training Section
- Retain until cancelled
Daily Journal:
Official Daily Record of LAFD
- Officers SHALL make entries regarding individual activities and ops
- Members SHALL make entries for RA, Hook
- First -Last Page SHALL be used
- Record a concise, comprehensive, daily history of pertinent info relative to ops
- Officers and members SHALL familiarize with entries from prior shift
- Contains pt health information. SHALL be secured, not left unattended on desks or tables
Who is responsible for correct interpretation of alarms and notification of all units and drivers that respond from the same quarters?
Company Commanders
How SHALL you report a still alarm received while in quarters?
To metro via business phone or radio
*DO NOT use fire phone to report still alarms
Use Centrex Emer. # 213-847-5340
How SHALL still alarms be reported when received while out of quarters?
Via Radio
What should members obtain when receiving a still alarm?
Exact address
Nearest cross street
type of emergency
Call-back number
What should you press when reporting a still alarm via radio?
During fire prevention, if a company gets a emergency and members, apparatus, or equipment becomes wet or dirty, the company will what?
Return to quarters and allow members to get themselves, equip and apparatus clean and serviceable
How should a apparatus normally respond?
- Respond along prearranged routes
- Provide most expeditious and safe response
- Enable other companies to anticipate potential conflicting routes
How should routes be taken during a civil unrest?
Routes should be varied to minimize the possibility of problems
What SHALL the first company on scene give for a initial assignment?
SHALL give a comprehensive and descriptive size-up
How SHALL the remainder of the assignment continue if nothing is showing or additional information is received?
- NON-Emergency
- UNLESS requested otherwise by the on-scene officer
- Chief Officer has discretion to continue response in the mode as directed
How does a apparatus respond to a Move-Up?
Non emergency, unless directed emergency by METRO
What SHALL the first unit on a EMS Incident provide?
- SHALL provide EMS size-up on TAC
- Continue Emergency or Non Emergency
How SHALL the change in resources or resource cancellations be directed?
SHALL be directed to METRO on dispatch channel
How will staff personnel be dispatched?
Non-Emergency unless directed by MFC or IC
Fire Chief
Deputy Chiefs
Medical Advisor
How SHALL special equipment respond? (The hook, emergency air, tractor companies, etc)
Nonemergency unless directed by metro or requested by IC
What is the priority of Department resources when responding to the scene of a incident?
SHALL be the safe arrival of the responding units
In a controlled intersection, the first apparatus of the convoy SHALL what?
SHALL stop at red lights and stop signs, remaining SHALL slow down and proceed with caution when safe to proceed
Intersections controlled by Traffic Officer
A single- unit company responding SHALL what at red lights and stop signs?
SHALL stop except when controlled by a Traffic Officer
When approaching an intersection, drivers SHALL what?
- SHALL be prepared to stop
- SHALL decelerate by removing foot from throttle and place over brake pedal even when the traffic signal is green
-Jacob brakes and retarders SHALL be utilize when appropriate
Apparatus drivers utilizing opposing lanes SHALL adhere to Department policy and SHALL what?
- SHALL slow to reasonable speed for traffic and road conditions, which would allow apparatus to be stopped if necessary
- SHALL proceed with caution
At all intersections, officers SHALL cause drivers to what?
-Observe particular caution of other companies responding from other locations
Other agencies responding
-SHALL not be driven at speeds greater than maintained with reasonable safety at any time
When responding on narrow streets, what SHALL the officers use to determine if “no parking” signs are needed on narrow streets?
- Less than 20’= no parking, both sides of street or Fire Lane
- 20’ to 28’= No parking, one side parking allowed, same side as hydrant
- Over 28’= No restrictions UNLESS need to paint curbs red on sharp turns or intersections
- SHALL submit through channels to Emergency Services Bureau with written report recommendations
Fire apparatus SHALL be operated as emergency vehicles only when what?
Warning devices (sirens and red lights) are operated continuously
Apparatus ___ be kept burning while responding to alarms or when necessary while working at emergencies.
Sirens and air horns SHALL be used only as necessary when what?
On freeway
Passing hospitals
Like occupancies
And when traffic conditions favorable to their use
On the electronic siren, which position is the position of choice?
Yelp and Manual positions are alternatives- need to attract additional attention
When SHALL warning lights be extinguished?
When operations can be safely continued without hazard (veh/personnel operating on shoulder)
Lights that are seen by the opposing traffic SHALL be shielded or turned off
Consideration SHALL be given to the safety of all members
Consideration-freeing all lanes ASAP
How SHALL apparatus turn back while responding by radio?
Inconspicuous manner
To assist the police dept in apprehension and prosecution of violators, members SHAL what?
Closely observe persons guilty of traffic violations
Ex: failure to yield / following to closely
With the exception of Chiefs apparatus, no apparatus responding to emergencies SHALL overtake or pass another unless what?
- Disabled or delayed
- Reduced speed due to terrain or type of apparatus
- Alter respond sequence, obtain optimum approach/apparatus placement at the emergency
Racing apparatus’ =strictly prohibited
How soon SHALL companies return to their first-in after being dispatched or given permission to be outside their first-in?
Must remain in first-in unless dispatched or directed by Metro
What is a Category A assignment?
Not less than 4 fire companies, not less than 1 truck. 800 if available in first-in
*less than 4500 gpm
What is a Category B assignment?
Not less than 6 fire companies, less than 2 trucks. 800 if in first-in
4500 gpm and above
Dwellings, apts, and hotels- 4+ stories
Commercial/industrial exceed: 15,000+ sq ft under one roof on two floor
10,000+ sq ft under one roof on one floor
All Fire Prevention Bureau occupancies:
Schools, special schools, day care two+ stories
Sanatoriums, homes for aged, hospitals, public assemblages, churches EXCEPT under 100 ft
All assemblage on second floor or above
What is a Category C assignment?
Not less than 4 fire companies, not less than 3 engines companies and 1 truck
Special assignments: Brush, harbor, airport
What is considered a Automatic Alarm and when SHALL a full assignment or added resources be dispatched?
1 engine or 1 light force
Ex: waterflow, bells ringing, smoke detectors, and manual pulls
ADD more if:
More than one alarm is activates at same place
Second source of alarm
Confirmation of actual incident
Responding officer may request added resources
SHALL not be modified on initial dispatch unless additional info received
How is the required fire flow standard used?
250 gpm per line, two lines 500 gpm per company
Evaluation: Total fire problem= Amount of water needed Location of companies Personnel required Special equip Life hazard Exposure hazard
What is the assignment dispatched when there is a requested for “FD needs help”?
Lightforce or engine
Who has the authority to split engine companies?
Directed by metro
Each engine staffed with 4 members first using truck members then detailed members
Shall use 200 series radios
Respond as two separate engine companies
MEtro request authorization for recall to staff truck
When are you allowed to respond as a 3 person engine?
Could save a live or lack of action would bring discredit to dept
Notify BC of circumstances and duration
How many is a full staffed task force?
10 personnel
How to run as a 8 personnel task force?
Pump closed Metro and BC notified No more than 2 hours *LF or 2 engines Remove truck with Metro approval
7-6 personnel Task Force
Close Engine
BC and Metro notified
More than 2 hours, Division notified
5 Personnel Task Force
LF or Engine
BC, Metro, and Division notified
Pump may run with engine as 2 piece
4 personnel Task Force
Engine only
Metro, BC and Division notified
What is the minimum staffing on a truck?
5 ( pump operator not included)
4 on engine
Who has the authority to close companies longer than 2 hours?
Division Commander
Who SHALL you call via telephone when companies are unavailable for emergency responses due to reduced staffing?
Floor Captain
What will not close to staff fire resources without first obtaining approval by concerned Division Commander?
BLS and ALS rigs
How SHALL a company respond to other quarters?
- Non emergency
- If directed emergency, changed to non once entering designated first-in
- Inconspicuous manner
- Retain own identity with coms with Metro
- Care, discipline and regard for property and possessions shall govern move up company
- clean and maintain quarters
“Tactical Alert”
- State of preparedness necessary to cope with civil disturbances or natural/man made disasters
- Special consideration: personnel, special operational tactics, protection of apparatus and equip
- Outside activities restricted to emergency responses
- Initiated in selected first-in or department-wide
Protection of personnel during tactical alert
If possible, police escort and remain on scene for protection
Not available, consideration of delay of entry into especially hazardous areas
Info regarding members SHALL wear in open cab or enclosed apparatus during tactical alerts:
Googles/face piece
Windows up
Doors locked
Alternate response routes shall be considered
Discontinue lights and siren
The protection of apparatus and equipment during civil unrest
- Tools equip relocated to compartments, out of sight
- Equip can’t be concealed, removed and stored in quarters
- No apparatus left unattended outside of quarters
- Sedans, RAs locked
Protection of quarters during a civil unrest
- Station commanders address security measures
- Necessary to “pull out’ due to degree
- Notify LAPD -metro of vacated FS
- Lights left on
- doors, windows, gates, courtyards locked
- window coverings drawn closed
Communication during Civil Unrest
Radio watch maintained
Telephone callas, limited, short duration
Monitor LAPD radios, division channels
What are some considerations officers shall consider in a environment with potential violence ?
Size of crowd
Attitude of crowd
Adverse reaction by the public
Police on scene
What should company commanders do when they become aware of being dispatch into a known trouble area?
Notify Metro, request LAPD, “meet the FD”
LAPD will assign unit
Use buddy system, no member operates alone or works alone
Apparatus parked to facilitate rapid withdrawal from area
Positioned afford maximum protection of crew
Perimeter Delineation
- LAPD responsible to delineate parameters of given areas of civil unrest
- LAFD response from “staging areas” with LAPD escort
- Exit zone and return to designated staging area
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Activation
Request EOC activation through Mayor’s Office or Chief of Police
Requested by Deputy Commander confirmed by Fire Chief
Firearms during civil unrest:
Although “peace officer” status Only properly qualified/meeting dept requirements permitted to carry firearms Arson units Carrying weapon=misdemeanor Loaded weapon= felony
What are some logistic considerations during a civil unrest:
Change of platoon- uses buses, plug buggies, reserve RAs at designated staging areas
Return to quarters and relief as usual
Feeding: under contract to supply meals
S&M coordinate fuel tankers to staging areas
Mechanics to report it staging for field repairs
FD helicopters during a civil unrest SHALL remain how far outside of the areas of civil unrest?
1 mile
-Limited to outside of those affected areas
An off duty member encountering an emergency which falls within the responsibility of the LAFD SHALL what?
- Assume command of incident if No Dept apparatus is present
- Responsible to notifying FD
- Command at the scene until relieved by on duty personnel
- Shall be considered On duty during time
The first officer or member to arrive at an emergency SHALL?
Assume Command Give “On Scene” report Through “Size-up” as becomes available Request resources or equip if needed Retain command until properly relieved
Information to include in the initial size-up:
-Type of incident:
Occupancy type
Number of stories
Building Size
Area involved
direction of travel
staging location
-Life hazard
-Additional resources if needed (name incident,location of staging, ic location)
-Exposure problems
-Location of command post (Chiefs only!)
-Mode of operation
Where do EMS size-ups normally be given on?
TAC 10
Age Gender Address If its a child but reported as a adult CC Distress leve Emergency or non emergency Equipment needed
The precedence of command is as follows:
First arriving company commander
First arriving TF Commander
First arriving BC
*Assumption of incident is discretionary above BC
*each transition, or passing-commander SHALL provide updated size to metro, reaffirm or change mode
When more than one BC is dispatched, which BC is in command until relieved by superior officer?
First BC arriving
- Metro SHALL dispatch BC assigned to BAT where incident exists
- If not available, nearest available BC will be dispatched
During a HAZMAT spill on streets and roadways within City boundaries (except freeway), who has the authority for scene management?
During HAZMAT spills on the freeway, who has the authority for scene management?
LAFD will retain command of personnel and equipment
When will a Division commander be dispatched?
To all Greater Alarm Incidents
- Unavailable, nearest Division will de dispatched
- Upon arrival, SHALL take command until relieved or fire under control
- Other than greater alarms, Division has option to respond or not
- DC held responsible for Dept operations
A command post shall be established when?
At every greater or major emergency
- Announce location of
- Normally remain at
- Temporary absence? Assign officer to take charge
- Change of command, IC establish which vehicle to designate CP at
If an order or directive is received from a SA (EIT) in the course of emergency duty, when the name of the directing officer is given, what must happen?
Must promptly carry out order as if coming directly from the Chief
EITs are forbidden to give orders not specifically authorized
Who has the authortiy by Rules and Regs, State Law, Oridances and Resoluctions to schedule work?
The Fire Chief
The Manual of Operations are an adjunct to what?
Department Rules and Regs
What is a composite of permanent policis and procedures?
Manuals of Operations
The Manuals of Operations is directed by who?
Fire Chief
Who will manage all saved information?
Training Div
Adin Services Bureau
Management Information Section
Future reference material in the MOPs will incorporate the LAFD numbering system, but the number will be receded by what letter?
What SHALL be the primary information conduit along with Administractive Teletypes?
Information Portal
Who is Information notices issued too?
Public and LAFD Members
In which books are all the Bulletines kept in?
- Admin Bulletin Book 22
- Training Bulletin Book 23
- Department Bulletion Book 24
- Safety Bulletion Book 75
Special Notices SHALL be retained on the Intranet for how long?
How long SHALL the Offical Notices be retained?
Until usefulness has passed
Which Notice SHALL not impact the library?
Offical Notices
If there is no expiration date on the Dept Bulletin, how long SHALL memebers retain it for?
Retain Indefinitely
How long SHALL Weekly Bulletins be retained for?
1 Year
Who are Administration Bulletins issued too?
All Members
Provide public education in disater preparedness & work with agencies in planning for disaters is part of LAFD’s?
How often is the Fire Chief required to forward a writtne report to the Board?
Who is the highest Ranking Officer and regulr acting Fire Chief?
Emergency Ops Chief and Admin Ops Chief
If restrictions are needed on a street that appears to be a hazrd, submit an F-225 to who?
A category “A” Assignment is not less than how many companies?
A Category “B” assigment is not less than how many companies?
What is the LAFD required fire flows per hose line?
250 gpm
EMS “C” Assignement:
A- BLS Non Emergency
B- BLS Emergency
C- ALS Emergency
D- ALS High Risk Emergency
Assign an officer to monitor the dosimeter worn by memebers to ensure no one recieves more than ___ roentgens in a period of 24 hours.
25 Roentgens
When more than 10 companies are dispatched, the ratio of chiefs SHALL be (1) for every how many companies?
5 Companies
SIGALERT: Examples include street closinga due to emergency incidents greater than how long?
30 Minutes
Who has the authority to split companies as needs arise?
Who has the authority to close companies longer than 2 hours?
During an incident when the Truck and Engine split, the pump SHALL?
Remains with the Truck
Ladder Pipe: Who ensures that the largets Nozzle Tips are used?
TF Commanders
In charge of ladder pipe and placement
Which ladder pipe tip is normally carried on an LTI?
1 3/4” Tip
During tactical alert, dispatch modifications can be made by the DDC and confirmned by the Fire Chief. This authority is made under Article ___ of the City Charter?
Article X
During emergency incidetnes, unusually low hydrant pressure SHALL be promptly reported to I.C. Concerned officers SHALL cause who to forward an F-225 to the Hydrant Access Unit?
Pump Operators
If firefighting hose is driven over in an aggravated case, who do you notify?
What are the 2 primary types of warning placards?
DOT & NFPA 704
When an emergecny traffic event, all members including IC shall follow procedired outlined in?
TB 2
Who do you notif after an incident if you lose or find equipment?
Exterior dry stand pipes shall be used above what floor?
Do not throw debris from height unless?
To extinguish
If difficulty contacting Helicopters by radio, messages can be relayed by commanders of air ops or?
Engine 90
When hose is driven over, ion aggravated causes, an F-225 shall be forwardewd to Bureau within how long?
24 hours
When memebrs are harassed. Who Shall officers phone? Verbal report required to BC
IC shal designate at how many companies as RIC if additionall fire resources are requeted above initial alarm?
During catastrophic events when stability of quarters is in jeopardy, inspection shall be made by?
General Services or Building Safety
During a non emergency hazardous water release, have owner obtain a hauler with written proof of manifest, IC shall forward a F-225 to who?
Fire Marshall
Broken sewage lines, contact Sanitation. When citizens request information on sewage, refer to?
Bureau of Sanitation
When a ambulance responds and CAL OSHA notifications are required, who will forward the report?
Senior memeber on RA
Off duty memebers may cross fire line only under one condition?
With ID
During business hours, recall will be implemented by the _____ of the FPB?
Underground Tanks Unit
When issuing sand bags, no slip is required but contat flood control if request is larger than ?
25 bags
Conducting a fire invest, if the evidence show it was set by a human deliberately, the cause would be what?
Command post vehicles are located at FS 3 and FS 88. What are the numbers?
1 & 3
When leaving the scene of an unattended incident, which form SHall be left behind. Do not leave if unauthorized persons will be alerted to unattended property.
Pollutant spills entering US waters, supply metro with location and type of pollutant. This will be forwarded to who?
Coast Guard
Which extinguisher to use on a US Mailbox?
Dry Chem or CO2
Helicopter staging areas?
Circle with a S
Triangle with Batt # and Letter
Strike team numbers when formed?
1000 to 1030
Strike team numbers when formed at a incident?
1031- 1074
When companies are deployed outside of the city, the initial request can be up to how many strike teams?
Up to 5-6
6 MAX!
Plastic Info:
Poly 10 x 12 2 mil
Sprinklers .003 mil
Truck Plastic .006 mil
Which channel do you used when reporting to staging or base?
Division Tac Channel
When city forces are dispatched to other jurisdictions to fill vacant stations, the city resources should not exceed ___% of the normal on duty apparatus of the requesting agency
DDC and/or Fire Chief Dispatch Policy:
Up to 25 to 30 triples can form what kind of strike teams?
Type 1
Flammable liquid spill, if in storm drains, place what at drain outlet to limit spread?
Oil Booms
Hazmat Tender/Foam Tenders
Incident clock starts when what?
Fire unit Dispatch arrives
Fire alarm assignment incldues:
6 companies
4 brush dispatch
MAjor Emergency exists when ?
More than 15 companies are dispatched
Anything greater than the 1st assignment
Which recall phase is considered a State of Preparedness?
Phase 1
If communication is down, where is the primary recall site?
Dodger Stadium
How many phases of recall are there?
In which Phase shall members begin being placed on 12 hour periods?
Phase 3
If member fails to report to Recall, member forwards an F-225 to who?
Fire Chief