TB 168 - Fire Department Operations At Roof Ventilation Prop Training Facilities Flashcards
Although training ventilation props (Roof Prop) are created to simulate real firefighting situations that are inherently dangerous, measures must be taken to make the training evolution as safe as possible, and must abide by
Provisions of Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations
Railings are required on buildings where workers are over ___ inches above the ground in addition to other structures where workers are over ____ inches above the ground.
30, 42
Workers must have personal fall arrest systems and be trained in their use when they are working on props that are over ____ above the ground.
7 1/2 feet
Surfaces over 6 feet above the ground where workers can ass below , require what?
Toe Boards
What do toe boards prevent?
Tools or materials from falling onto workers passing below
The California Administrative Code contains regulations regarding work where workers could sustain injury due to falls. These regulations require that:
Protective measures be taken to prevent injuries through the use of protective railings, toe boards, and personal fall protections systems
These protective requirements do not apply during emergency firefighting operations but do apply when?
Apply when there is no emergency, and such additional safely measures would not interfere with the training or rebuilding operation
Members shall not utilize any facilities or props without first what?
Securing permission from the proper authorities
Members shall restrict their training to stay within what?
The parameters of the pre-approved activity and area(s)
What are the two broad categories that the department divides the roof training props into?
Flat & Pitched
Any roof prop that has a pitch over what is considered “pitched”
Over 1” x 12” (1:12)
There are several roof props located at Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center (FHMTC). For permission to use any of the roof props and to schedule training, members shall complete and forward what?
E-Request to the Training Division Commander or In-Service Training Section
Where are the drill tower roof props and who are they controlled by?
Drill Towers 81 & 40
Recruit Services Section (RSS) & permission must be secured by the RSS Commander
Which stations has props located at Regional Training Centers and who are they under the control of?
5, 21, 59, & 89
-Under the control of their respective FS & and permission shall be secured from Station Commander
Notification to BC
Who can use regional training center roof props?
Used by:
Other LAFD Stations
Other Departments
Other agencies
Who does the scheduling for regional training center roof props?
Scheduled by the station commander where they are located
Who supports regional roof training props with materials and tools for rebuilding?
In-Service Training Section
The Department will not allow pitched roof props or roof props over ___ inches in height at regional training centers.
Roof ventilation training roof props may be located where and who controls it?
At any Fire Station and controlled by the Station Commander
Roof ventilation training roof props are or are not supported by In-Service Training Section
Not be supported by ISTS
Will the department allow pitched roof props or roof props over 30 inches in height at Fire Station?
What is the process to any roof prop at a Fire Station?
Needs written approval through channels to respective BC
Also notification to ISTS
All members involved in roof operational training shall use what?
appropriate PPE for the operations being performed, including eye protection
During all training activities, a member shall be designated as the what?
Safety officer
What shall the safety officer provide prior to any training or preparatory work?
Pre-training briefing
What should the pre-training briefing include?
Objectives of the training exercise
Limitations of the training
Applicable standard operating guidelines
Communications including hand signals when appropriate
Assignments for each individual involved
Heat Illness/Injury Prevention Program
Before training evolutions start, the safety officer shall what?
Check PPE for all members participating
What should happen at the conclusion of the trading exercise?
Members should conduct a “hot-wash” to review principles taught, as well as the safety procedures utilized
When appropriate, members should be afforded an opportunity to cool down and re-hydrate between when?
Operations and at the conclusion of their training
Prior to rebuilding roof props, there shall be a second safety briefing covering the specifics of the rebuild operation, this should include what?
Safety precautions PPE’s Objectives Communications Assignments
After completion of training and rebuilding, what shall perform a final facility check to ensure that the area is left in a safe, clean condition and is ready for use.
Company commanders or responsible members
A email notification shall be forwarded to the individual or office that has the responsibility for the facility including what information?
Materials used Tools used Loss or damage to equipment Any safety concerns Any problems encountered (failure of tools, materials depleted, security issues, injuries, etc.) Area cleaned
Prior to leaving the facility, company commanders or responsible members shall ensure that a security check is completed, including a check of the following:
It is very important that members ____ facilities in the same manner that they were locked upon arrival
Members wishing to conduct any training using the department/s facilities shall what?
Obtain permission to conducting the training
Any facility that is locked with a common FD lock I.e., 1C80 or Medeco lock, does or does not entitle dept members to access to the facility?
Does not, permission must be obtained first!
To schedule training at FHTMC, member shall what?
Complete and forward a Request Form to the In-Service Training Section or Training Division
Where can the FHMTC E-Form Request found at?
Found on:
Dept Intranet under the In-Service Training Section tab
To submitted the E-Form, what are the two options?
Hand delivered to the Training Division office or
Emailed to lafdists@lacity.org
Which areas must requests be sent in for?
- Utilize the upper drill yard
- Roof props
- Drill Tower for training purposes
- Access to doors other than the main entrance
- Use of FHMTC during regular hours and after hours (No Exceptions)
Training in realistic environments is important to develop competent, safe firefighting techniques, but what should be taken to ensure that members remain safe at all times during training
It is important that all members involved understand what?
Risks &
Actively involved in providing a safe training environment for themselves and for others