Vol 1.30 Post-Flight Flashcards
Who attends the flight operations duty phone?
30.10 pg. 1 - The duty manager. It’s manned 24 hours a day.
What is the primary purpose of the flight operations duty manager?
30.10 pg. 1 - To provide pilots with support OUTSIDE of regular office hours (Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Denver local time)
What is considered normal business hours for contacting the base chief pilot?
30.10 pg. 1 - Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Denver local time
When would you call the base chief vs the duty manager?
30.10 pg. 1 - During business hours call the base chief. Outside of business hours call the duty manager.
Where can you find a list of important contact information at Frontier?
Vol 1 Appendix B
Who should you call regarding flight time or duty time limitations?
30.10 pg. 1 - Crew scheduling
Does any paperwork need to be retained after arriving at a destination?
30.10 pg. 1 - The only paperwork that needs to be retained is the fuel slip if at a diversion airport
Does a post-flight exterior inspection need to be completed after every flight?
30.10 pg.1 - Yes, normally by the first officer
Can the exterior inspection be done without a safety vest?
30.10 pg. 1 - Yes, but only if the person doing the inspection doesn’t have one, and after making an unsuccessful attempt to acquire a safety vest.
Where can a list be found of items requiring either a logbook entry or incident report, other than mechanical discrepancies, computer resets, and FR items?
30.10 pg. 2 - 3
What should be done after a wildlife strike?
30.10 pg 3 - A logbook discrepancy must be entered. Additionally the crew “should” complete the online bird/other wildlife strike report at https://wildlife.faa.gov/strikenew.aspx
What kinds of aircraft vibrations should be reported via the airframe vibration form?
30.10 pg. 4 - Whenever vibrations are experienced that are not associated with weather or tire balance issues
When should the airframe vibrations form be filled out?
30.10 pg. 4 - In flight, as soon as practicable after experiencing the airframe vibration. It should always be done before leaving the aircraft to ensure MCC recieve the document.
Where can the airframe vibration report form be found?
30.10 pg. 4 - Docunet
What should you do if you experience airframe vibration but for whatever reason the airframe vibration form cannot be submitted electronically?
30.10 pg. 4 - There’s also a physical copy of the form in the diversion kit. The form should be completed and left in the aircraft logbook or with the mechanic assigned to troubleshoot the problem.
If you experience airframe vibration, what else needs to be done other than filling out the airframe vibration form?
30.10 pg. 4 - A logbook entry must be made
Should the airframe vibration form be filled out for nosewheel and/or landing gear vibration?
30.10 pg. 4 - No. There’s a separate from, the Nose Wheel Vibration Reporting Sheet. This form should be filled out as soon as practicable after experiencing the vibration without violating sterile cockpit, as well as a logbook entry made.
Where can the nose wheel vibration form be found?
30.10 pg. 4 - In docunet as well as the diversion kit