A320 Limitations Flashcards
Maximum number of seats
A320: 190 seats
A321: 240 seats
What model are A/C 206-232?
A320 CEO (CFM56)
What model are A/C 233-238?
A320 CEO
What model are A/C 301-399
A320 NEO
What model are A/C 601-699?
A321 NEO
What model are A/C 701/799?
A321 CEO
Maximum taxi weights for all aircraft
A/C 206-232………………..170,637lbs
A/C 233-238………………..170,637lbs
A/C 301-399………………..170,637lbs
A/C 601-699………………..207,014lbs
A/C 701-799………………..207,014lbs
Maximum takeoff weight (brake release) for all aircraft
A/C 206-232…………………………..169,755lbs
A/C 233-238…………………………..169,755lbs
A/C 301-399…………………………..169,755lbs
A/C 601-699…………………………..206,132lbs
A/C 701-799…………………………..206,132lbs
Are their different maximum taxi and takeoff weights for the A320CEO vs A320NEO?
Are their different maximum landing and zero fuel weights for the CEO’s vs the NEO’s?
Can a landing be made over the maximum landing weight?
In exceptional cases, yes. In such cases the crew must follow the overweight landing procedure in the QRH.
Clean configuration load limits
Non-clean g load limits
What tail numbers are the only approach category D planes?
A/C 701-799. These are A321CEO’s. These aircraft cannot use category C minimums. All other aircraft can use category C minimums unless the approach speed requires the use of a higher category minimum.
1000’ AFE stabilized approach criteria
-Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1200fpm
-On the correct lateral path
-correct lateral path means +/- 1 dot for ILS/LOC, 0.3nm XTK for RNAV, or 1/2 dot for VOR
-On the correct vertical path (+/- one dot)
-In the final landing configuration
-No GPWS warnings or cautions
500’AFE stabilized approach criteria
-On the correct lateral path (+/- 1 dot for ILS/LOC, 1/2 dot for VOR, 0.3nm XTK for RNAV)
-On the correct vertical path (+/- 1 dot)
-In the final landing configuration
-Absent any GPWS warnings or cautions
-Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1000fpm
-Within -5/+15 kias of target approach speed
-Thrust stabilized, usually above idle, commensurate with what is required to maintain the target speed criteria
-Landing checklist complete
Maximum operational pressure altitude
Maximum runway altitude
Minimum runway width
148’ (except for A/C 601-699 & 227-229 whose minimum runway width is 100’)
Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing (RCC 5 & 6)
Takeoff: 35 knots
Landing: 38 knots
Maximum tailwind
A/C 701-799: 10 knots for both takeoff and landing
All other aircraft: 15 knots for takeoff, 10 knots for landing
Maximum speed with the landing gear extended (VLE)
Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended (VLO extension)
Maximum speed at which the landing gear can be retracted (VLO retraction)
Maximum tire ground speed
Maximum windshield wiper operation speed
Maximum speed for having the cockpit window open
What’s the maximum speed at which the slats/flaps should be extended
VFE next - 10 knots
Maximum taxi speed
Only applies to A/C 206-299 (A320 CEO’s) and the speed is 20 knots during a turn if their weight is greater than 167,550lbs
Can you use conditioned air from the packs and ground air at the same time?
APU battery restart limit
Can you use APU bleed air for wing anti-ice?
Autopilot minimum engagement height after takeoff
100’AGL and at least 5 seconds after liftoff
Autopilot minimum engagement height enroute
Autopilot minimum engagement height for an RNAV VISUAL APPROACH
Autopilot minimum engagement height for non-precision approaches
Autopilot minimum engagement height for non-autoland ILS with CAT 1 FMA
160’ AGL
Autopilot minimum engagement height for non-autoland ILS with CAT 2/3 FMA
Autopilot minimum engagement height for a go-around
100’AGL (If AP is not already engaged)
Autopilot minimum engagement height for auto land approach
When is auto land required?
When the weather is below CAT 1 minimums. Frontiers policy is to brief and prepare for an autoland approach whenever the reported RVR/visibility is at or below 1/2mile or 2400RVR, and all autoland requirements can be met. The approach will be briefed and flown as a CAT 2 or CAT 3 autoland.
What are the auto brakes requirements for an autoland approach on a runway less than 8000’?
Must use medium autobrakes
What auto brake selections can be made if performing an autoland on a runway longer than 8000’?
Low or medium
Takeoff and go-around thrust time limits
All engines operating: 5 minutes
One engine inoperative: 10 minutes
Minimum engine oil requirements
A/C 206-299 & 701-799 (A320CEO and A321CEO): 9.5qts + 0.5qt per hour for each hour of flight time
A/C 301-399 (A320NEO CFM LEAP): highest of 10.6qt or 9.0qt + 0.5qt per hour for each hour of flight time
A/C 601-699 (A321NEO PW1100G): 14qt (at or above -30ºC) or 16.5qt (below -30ºC)
When is a FLEX takeoff prohibited?
-On slippery or contaminated runways
-When suspected, reported, or known windshear is present
-When a special departure procedure specifies full thrust for takeoff
Maximum flaps/slats extended altitude
Takeoff with center tank fuel
Takeoff with center tank fuel supplying the engines is prohibited (applies to A/C 206-216, 227-229)
Maximum hydraulic pressure
Normal hydraulic pressure
Hydraulic pressure supplied by the RAT
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff (brake fans off)
Where can the oxygen bottle pressures be found?
Doors page
At what pitch attitude does the PM need to call “pitch” on landing?
A320: 10º of pitch
A321: 7.5º of pitch ( tail strike will occur at 9.7º pitch)
Do the takeoff and landing crosswind limits include gusts?
What is the maximum wind for passenger door operation?
What is the maximum wind for FWD and AFT cargo door operation?
40kts (or 50kts if the aircraft nose is into the wind or the cargo doors are on the leeward side). The FWD and AFT, doors must be closed before the wind reaches 65kts.
Whats the minimum pressure altitude for takeoff and landing?
Are you permitted to use the APU if the LOW OIL LEVEL advisory is displayed on the ECAM? When is maintenance action required? Is a logbook entry required?
The APU may be started and operated even if the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory is displayed. Maintenance action is required within The next 10 hours of APU operation.
Note: A logbook entry is not required after receiving this ECAM advisory. Contact MCC to determine the status of required maintenance action.
What is the APU starter duty cycle limits?
After three consecutive APU start attempts, the flight crew must wait 60 minutes before starting another attempt
Maximum runway slope (as an average over the whole runway)
+/- 2%
Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing (RCAM 4)
29 knots for both takeoff and landing
Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing (RCAM 3)
25 knots for both takeoff and landing
Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing (RCAM 2)
20 knots for both takeoff and landing
Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing (RCAM 1)
15 knots for takeoff and landing
Can an autoland be done on a “narrow runway”?
No. A narrow runway is anything less than 148’ wide. Only the 600’s and 227-229 can land on those runways, but even those planes cannot autoland on a narrow runway.
When is dispatch to and from a narrow runway (less than 148’ wide) not authorized?
-Nose wheel steering is inoperative
-One or more brakes are inoperative
When is it recommended that you divert to a regular runway when you were originally dispatched to a “narrow runway”?
Basically anything that affect the rudder in any way:
-Rudder jam
-Rudder pedal jam
-Yaw damper system fault
-Rudder travel limit system fault
-All failures leading to loss of nose wheel steering (HYD yellow system loss, double hydraulic failure, double BSCU fault, double LGCIU fault)
Are the maximum crosswind imitations different on a narrow runway?
Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing on a narrow runway (RCAM 5)
33 knots for both takeoff and landing
Maximum crosswind for takeoff and landing on a narrow runway (RCAM 1-4)
10 knots for takeoff and landing
What is the maximum wind for passenger door operation?
65 knots
What the maximum negative differential pressure for the cabin?
-1.0 psi
What’s the maximum differential pressure for the cabin? When should the safety relief valve open?
Absolute max is 9.0 PSI. The safety should open at 8.6 PSI.
Can you use the high pressure air from an external HP cart to supply the packs for air conditioning?
No. It’s prohibited.
What’s the maximum time that the electrical systems of the aircraft should remain powered, without an avionics cooling system working, and when the outside air temperature exceeds 49ºC?
2 hours
Above what outside air temperature should you really become concerned for the avionics if the avionics cooling system isn’t working?
Above 49ºC the aircraft must be de-powered with no avionics cooling for more than 2 hours
What’s the APU max rotor speed?
What’s the maximum EGT for a running APU?
What should you do if you have a fuel spill with the APU running?
Perform a normal APU shutdown
If you have a dual engine failure what’s the maximum altitude at which you can start the APU? What if you still have engine running?
A battery restart, which would be required during a dual engine failure, can only be accomplished at or below 25,000MSL. If you have electrics, i.e. you have at least one engine driven generator working, you can start the APU at or below 39,000MSL.
What’s the maximum altitude at which the APU can be used to assist an engine start?
What’s the maximum altitude at which the APU can supply electrics and both packs? What about electrics and a single pack?
Electrics and both packs: 15,000’MSL
Electrics and a single pack: 22,500’MSL
Can you perform a VOR or VOR/DME approach in NAV mode?
Yes, but you must have GPS PRIMARY or NAV ACCOUNT HIGH, and the NAVIAD must be hard tuned and monitored, as it’s the primary source of navigation
Can you use the autopilot to fly a non-precision approach with an engine-out?
Yes, unless you are in A/C 701-712. Those aircraft are approved for FD use but the autopilot must be off for non-precision approaches with an engine-out.
Can you perform an RNAV (GPS) approach without GPS PRIMARY?
Yes, but you must have NAV ACC HIGH
Can you perform an RNAV (RNP) approach without GPS PRIMARY?
No. Not even with NAV ACC HIGH.
What may you want to do if you suspect GPS spoofing?
You can deselect the GPS position on the SELECTED NAVAID page. This will force the aircraft to solely rely on the radio position.
When will the FM position not automatically update to the runway position during takeoff?
When GPS primary is active (see Vol 3)
What should be done to ensure an accurate takeoff update if departing from an intersection?
Enter the takeoff shift on the PERF TO page to refine the takeoff update. This is only necessary if an intersection wasn’t already inserted.
Can the FMS landing system (FLS) mode be used during approaches?
No. At least not yet. From what I understand that will be changing at some point in the future. Apparently the FLS mode will allow us to use LPV minimums, from what I understand. Don’t quote me.
Who is always the PF and PM for autoland approaches?
PF: Captain
PM: First officer
Can autoland approaches be done in flaps 3?
Why is it recommended to do autoland approaches in flaps full vs flaps 3?
Flaps full provides better forward slant range visibility
If one of the autoland criteria cannot be met, can we fly a CAT 1 down to minimums?
What’s the highest autoland altitude for A/C 701-799?
5,750’ airport altitude
What’s the highest altitude for an autoland in A/C 200’s, 300’s, and 600’s?
9,200’ airport elevation
Can autoland procedures be done when the weather is better than 2sm visibility and 800’ ceilings?
Yes, but in these circumstances ATC does not protect the ILS critical area, so you’ll need to advise them of your autoland attempt and to protect the ILS critical area. This is done by ATC on a workload permitting basis. If they are unable to protect the ILS critical area you may still make the attempt but should be ready to immediately disconnect the AP and take appropriate action should the guidance become unsatisfactory.
Can you continue an auto land approach if the aircraft wind vector says the winds are outside if limits, if the tower reports winds within limits?
What’s the minimum engine oil pressure for A/C 601-699?
65 PSI
What’s the minimum engine oil pressure for aircraft 300-399?
17.4 PSI
Whats the minimum oil pressure for aircraft 200’s and 700’s?
What’s the minimum engine oil temperature for takeoff in a 600 series aircraft?
What’s the minimum engine oil temperature for takeoff in a 200, 300, or 700 series aircraft?
What’s the maximum continuous oil temperature in a 200, 300, or 700 series aircraft? What about transient temperatures (up to 15 minutes)?
140ºC continuously, 155ºC on a transient basis.
What is the maximum engine oil temperature in a 600 series aircraft?
For 200 and 700 series aircraft, how long to you need to wait between subsequent start cycles? How many cycles need to be failed before you need to let the engine cool down? How long does it need to cool down for?
-A 20 second pause is required between start cycles, automatic or manual
-After 4 failed cycles the engine needs a 15 minute cooling period
For 300 series aircraft, how long to you need to wait between subsequent start cycles? How many cycles need to be failed before you need to let the engine cool down? How long does it need to cool down for?
-A 60 second pause is required between start cycles, automatic or manual
-A 15 minute cool down period is required after 3 failed cycles
For 600 series aircraft, how long to you need to wait between subsequent start cycles? How many cycles need to be failed before you need to let the engine cool down? How long does it need to cool down for?
-A 35 second pause is required between start cycles, automatic or manual
-A 15 minute cooling period is required after 3 failed cycles
During an automatic engine start, how many start attempts is considered one cycle?
Depends on the aircraft…
600 series: two start attempts
All other aircraft: three start attempts
Does OEB57 apply even if it’s not in the QRH?
OEB57 no longer applies to our aircraft
What is the fuel system accuracy requirement per FAR part 25?
At very low fuel quantities (5% of tank capacity), the amount of fuel on board will always be equal to or greater than indicated. Another way of saying this is that the indication will read less than what you actually have on board once you reach 5% of tank capacity. Above 5% o tank capacity the fuel system indication is generally greater than what’s on board, and the error is generally greater at higher fuel loads.
In short, the fuel quantity indication only has to be accurate at “E”
When is ice accretion considered severe?
When you reach 5mm (or 0.2”) of ice accretion
What’s the maximum taxi seed with a tire deflated?
1 tire per gear: 7 knots
Both tires on the gear: 3 knots
Will ROW/ROP provide excursion protection if set to DRY on a WET or grooved runway?
In 200 and 700 series aircraft, above what O2 bottle PSI do you never need to worry about it being enough for departure?
At or above 1339 PSI
In 300 and 600 series aircraft, above what O2 bottle PSI do you never need to worry about it being enough for departure?
At or above 800 PSI per bottle
How do you find the reference temperature for determining if the O2 bottles have sufficient PSI on the ground?
(OAT + Cockpit temp)/2