Vocabulary Chapter 4 REVERSE Flashcards
√भृ bhṛ
‘to bear, carry’
√स्मृ smṛ
‘to remember’
√हृ hṛ
‘to take’
√बुध् budh
‘to wake up; to understand’
√स्निह् snih
‘to be attached to, feel affection for, love’ (+ Loc)
√दृश् dṛś
‘to see’
√हृष् hṛṣ
‘to be excited, happy’
√विद् vid
‘to find’
√मुच् muc
‘to release, free’
√लुप् lup
‘to rob’
√क्षिप् kṣip
‘to throw’
√लिख् likh
‘to write’
√विश् viś
‘to enter’
‘to bear, carry’
√भृ bhṛ
‘to remember’
√स्मृ smṛ
‘to take’
√हृ hṛ
‘to wake up; to understand’
√बुध् budh
‘to be attached to, feel affection for, love’ (+ Loc)
√स्निह् snih
‘to see’
√दृश् dṛś
‘to be excited, happy’
√हृष् hṛṣ
‘to find’
√विद् vid
‘to release, free’
√मुच् muc
‘to rob’
√लुप् lup
‘to throw’
√क्षिप् kṣip
‘to write’
√लिख् likh
‘to enter’
√विश् viś