Vocabulary Chapter 14 Flashcards
लोक- (m.)
रथ- (m.)
अर्थ- (m.)
‘purpose, aim, object’
‘for the purpose/sake of’
रण- (m.)
‘battle; battle lust; pleasure’
सूर्य- (m.)
चन्द्र- (m.)
अन्त- (m.)
‘end; death’
वीर- (m.)
‘man; hero’
मुख- (n.)
‘face; mouth’
नेत्र- (n.)
बल- (n.)
‘strength; force’
निधन- (n.)
‘end; death’
अङ्ग- (n.)
रूप- (n.)
‘form; good form, beauty’
सम- (ADJ)
‘same as, like’
कृत्स्न- (ADJ)
(kṛtsna-) ‘whole, entire, all’
शीघ्र- (ADJ)
‘fast, quick’
भय- (n.)
‘fear’ (√भी ‘to fear’)
भीम- (ADJ)
‘frightening, terrible’ (√भी ‘to fear’)
योग- (m.)
‘combination; yoga’ (√युज् ‘to link’ –> Chapter 30)
(at beg. of CPD) ‘great’
(ADJ) ‘select, good’; (m.) ‘choice, wish; boon (sth. granted as a reward)’
त्वाम् (PRON)
‘you’ (ACC SG) (fully introduced in Chapter 32)
अ-, अन्- (prefix)
‘un-, in-, non-, -less’
prefix in nominal compounds: ‘very, exceedingly’
सु- (prefix)
prefix in nominal compounds: ‘good; very’ (cf. सुख-)
दुस्- (prefix)
prefix in nominal compounds: ‘bad’ (sandhi: दुः-, दुष्-, दुर्-; cf. दुःख-)
as a preverb: ‘out, forth’; as a prefix in nominal compounds: ‘without’, ‘away from’ (sandhi: निष्-, निर्-, निः)