Grammar Chapter 26 – short-i/u-stems Flashcards
Which forms insert -n-?
- Instr Sg MascNtr -inā/-unā (comp. Fem -yā/-vā)
- All neuter forms in front of vowel-initial endings:
Dat Sg -ine/-une (comp. Masc -aye/ave)
AblGen Sg -inaḥ/-unaḥ (comp. Masc -eḥ/-oḥ)
Loc Sg -ini/-uni (comp. Masc -au)
NVA Du -inī/-unī (comp. Masc -ī/ū)
GenLoc Du -inoḥ/-unoḥ (comp. Masc -yoḥ/-voḥ)
In adjectives Masc forms possible
The following forms with lengthened root vowel are somewhat different:
- regular NVA Pl Ntr -īni/-ūni
- Gen Pl all genders -īnām/-ūnām
Which forms lengthen the root-vowel i/u?
- NVA Du MascFem -ī/-ū (comp. Ntr -inī/-unī)
- Acc Pl Masc -īn/-ūn
- Acc Pl Fem -īḥ/-ūḥ
- NVA Pl Ntr -īni/-ūni
- Gen Pl all genders -īnām/-ūnām
Which forms take the root-vowel in guṇa?
- Voc Sg MascFem -e/-o
- Dat Sg MascFem -aye/-ave (Fem also -yai/-vai)
- AblGen Sg MascFem -eḥ/-oḥ (Fem also -yāḥ/-vāḥ)
- NomVoc Pl MascFem -ayaḥ/-avaḥ
In which forms do the feminine endings deviate from masculine endings?
- Instr Sg Fem -yā/-vā instead of Masc -inā/-unā
- optionally Fem like long-ī/ū-stems, but also forms idendical to Masc:
Dat Sg -yai/-vai instead of -aye/-ave
AblGen Sg -yāḥ/-vāḥ instead of -eḥ/-oḥ
Loc Sg -yām/-vām instead of -au - Acc Pl Fem -īḥ/-ūḥ vs. Masc -īn/-ūn
Which forms are the same for all genders?
- InstrDatAbl Du -ibhyām/-ubhyām
- Instr Pl -ibhiḥ/-ubhiḥ
- DatAbl Pl -ibhyaḥ/-ubhyaḥ
- Gen Pl -īnām/-ūnām
- Loc Pl -iṣu/-uṣu
Which forms perform the sandhi on zero grade i/u → y/v?
- Instr Sg Fem -yā/-vā (comp. MascNtr -inā/unā)
- Fem forms that follow ī/ū-stem pattern instead of the masculine i/u-stem:
Dat Sg -yai/-vai (instead of guṇa -aye/-ave)
AblGen Sg -yāḥ/-vāḥ (instead of guṇa -eḥ/-oḥ)
Loc Sg -yām/-vām (instead of -au) - GenLoc Du MascFem -yoḥ/-voḥ (comp. Ntr -inoḥ/unoḥ)
guṇa ay/av not listed
Which forms keep the root vowel i/u as is?
- NVA Sg Ntr -i/-u
- Nom Sg MascFem -iḥ/-uḥ
- Acc Sg MascFem -im/-um
All forms that insert -n- before the ending
- Instr Sg MascNtr -inā/-unā (comp. Fem -yā/-vā)
- All neuter forms in front of vowel-initial endings:
Dat Sg -ine/-une (comp. Masc -aye/ave)
AblGen Sg -inaḥ/-unaḥ (comp. Masc -eḥ/-oḥ)
Loc Sg -ini/-uni (comp. Masc -au)
NVA Du -inī/-unī (comp. Masc -ī/ū)
GenLoc Du -inoḥ/-unoḥ (comp. Masc -yoḥ/-voḥ)
The following forms that are the same for all genders (except Gen Pl):
- InstrDatAbl Du -ibhyām/-ubhyām
- Instr Pl -ibhiḥ/-ubhiḥ
- DatAbl Pl -ibhyaḥ/-ubhyaḥ
- Loc Pl -iṣu/-uṣu
Which forms are always identical for MascFem
but differ from Ntr?
- Nom Sg -iḥ/-uḥ
Voc Sg -e/-o
Acc Sg -im/-um
(comp. NVA Sg Ntr -i/-u) - NVA Du -ī/-ū (comp. Ntr -inī/-unī)
- GenLoc Du -yoḥ/-voḥ (comp. Ntr -inoḥ/-unoḥ)
- NomVoc Pl -ayaḥ/-avaḥ (comp. Ntr -īni/-ūni)
Which peculiarities may happen for i/u-stem adjectives?
- Ntr Adj may be like Masc where -n- has been inserted:
Dat Sg -ine/-une → Masc -aye/ave
AblGen Sg -inaḥ/-unaḥ → Masc -eḥ/-oḥ
Loc Sg -ini/-uni → Masc -au
NVA Du -inī/-unī → Masc -ī/ū
GenLoc Du -inoḥ/-unoḥ → Masc -yoḥ/-voḥ - Fem of u-stem adjectives may be ī-stems:
guru- → gurvī-
bahu- → bahvī-
List all Singular Masculine endings!
- Nom -iḥ/-uḥ
- Voc -e/-o
- Acc -im/-um
- Instr -inā/-unā
- Dat -aye/-ave
- AblGen -eḥ/-oḥ
- Loc -au
List all NomVocAcc Plural forms!
- NomVoc -ayaḥ/-avaḥ (like Fem)
- Acc -īn/-ūn
- NVA -īni/-ūni
- Nom Voc -ayaḥ/-avaḥ (like Masc)
- Acc -īḥ/-ūḥ (same as long-ī/ū-stems)
List all NomVocAcc Dual forms!
- MascFem -ī/-ū
- Ntr -inī/-unī
Which forms may end in -oḥ?
- u-stem AblGen Sg MascFem -oḥ
- GenLoc Du MascFem -yoḥ/-voḥ
- GenLoc Du Ntr -inoḥ/unoḥ
Which case and number is always different for all genders?
Hence, from which case and number can we confidently infer the gender?
Accusative Plural:
- Masc -īn/-ūn
- Ntr -īni/-ūni
- Fem -īḥ/-ūḥ