Vocab 2 Flashcards
bacterial culture
the most common test performed in the microbiology laboratory because bacteria are easily grown and can be tested for their sensitivity to antibiotics
computed tomography
-sophisticated x-ray technique in which the x-ray absorption patterns through planes of tissue are recorded and analyzed by a computer
consists of cells sloughed or scraped from body surfaces
family history
exposes diseases the patients might also be prone to developing
clinical pathology
aka laboratory medicine
-the branch of pathology that performs laboratory tests on tissues and fluids
complete blood count
most common hematologic test and consists of measurement of hemoglobin, counting WBC, and RBC, and microscopic evaluation for morphologic changes in the blood cells
computed tomography
- sophisticated x-ray technique in which the x-ray absorption patterns through planes of tissue are recorded and analyzed by a computer
- cross sectional images
- used for detecting acute and potentially lethal processes such as intracerebral hemorrhages, pulmonary embolism, and aortic dissection, lesions in organs
- *tumors, infarcts, blood clots, abscesses, and other lesions
magnetic resonance imaging
uses a computer to record tissue characteristics in tissue planes but differs in that it does not use x-rays
-image is produced by displacing protons in atomic nuclei with radiofrequency signals while the body is surrounded by a a strong magnent
allow practitioner to look into the curved ear canal
applying gentle pressure to feel for abnormal growths
pap smear
cells are scraped from the surface of the cervix, smeared on a slide and examined microscopically
-ex of a screening
physical examination
-practitioner looks and listens for further manifestations of disease
forensic pathology
a subfield of pathology in which accidental and criminal deaths are investigated
preventive medicine
discipline that deals with prevention of disease
involves doing some manipulation of the patient beyond that usually done during physical examination
patient presents the circumstances surrounding the emergence of the problem and describes the severity, quality, and timing of the symptoms
discipline of medicine that uses techniques such as x-rays, computed tomography scans, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine to diagnose disease
laboratory medicine
clinical pathology
magnetic resonance imaging
uses a computer to record tissue characteristics in tissue planes but differs in that it does not use x-rays
- image is produced by displacing protons in atomic nuclei with radiofrequency signals while the body is surrounded by a a strong magnet
- useful for orthopedic (bone and joint) and neurologic (brain and nerve) imaging
- tumors, infarct, blood clots, abscesses, and other lesions
surgical pathology
involves the diagnosis of lesions in pieces of tissue removed from a patient
T1 images
give a strong signal for lipids
T2 images
give a strong signal for water
an analysis performed on a specimen removed from a patient
measures the reflection of high frequency sound waves as they pass through body tissues
involves predicting a particular patients response to particular drugs on the basis of the persons genetic makeup
dependent on differing absorption properties of tissues as x-rays pass through them
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
sequencing of short stretches of a gene
-amplifying or increasing the numbers of a particular gene or short sequence of nucleic acids to aid their detection
positron emission tomography (PET)
involves injection of positron-emitting radionucleotides, such as carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen into the body
-shows functional activity of an organ/tissue not just anatomy
gentle tapping over body cavities to detect changes in the resonance of the chamber
nuclear medicine
involves the injection of various radioactive materials into the blood stream and subsequently determining their degree of localization within tissue
refers to the mapping of the patterns of proteins involved in supporting cancerous growths
public health laboratory
established by governments to help in the control of communicable diseases
targeted therapy
treatment with particular drugs if the substrate on which they act is known to be present
-ex. breast cancer is tested for presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors and a particular growth factor receptor
measures the reflection of high frequency sound waves as they pass through body tissues
-useful in studying cystic structures such as gallbladder, urinary bladder, and the pregnant uterus
the postmortem examination of a body